Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Jazz Essays (654 words) - African-American Music, Blues, Jazz
Jazz As the United States entered the 1920s it was not as unified as one might think. Not one, but two societies existed. The Black society, whose ancestors had been oppressed throughout the ages, and the White society, the oppressors of these men and women. After emancipation the Whites no longer needed the Blacks, but were forced to live with them. The Blacks despised the Whites, but even so they became more like them in every way. Even though these two races had grown so similar over the past century and a half, they were still greatly diversified. One aspect of this great diversity was the difference in music trends. The White society was still in love with the European classical music. The Blacks on the other hand had created something all their own. Jazz, Blues, and Ragtime originated in New Orleans in the 19th century, but by the 1920s it had become famous throughout America. The Whites tried to suppress the Blacks with new laws, but the power of this strengthened race was too grea t. The Negro music of the 20th century had a huge affect on Black and White relations, and helped to bring the two societies together. When the slaves first came to the colonies they brought nothing with them, that is, except their music. They sang their songs while at work in the fields. This original music is called the old blues. The blues became the symbol of the new American race, and the home of this music was New Orleans. New Orleans had been a melting pot of culture ever since emancipation had freed the slaves, but more was being mixed than just culture. Music from the Blacks was blending with the Whites music, and creating an entirely different form of music, which had never been seen before. This early form of Jazz began to be heard in the North and was developed further with the help of technical devices. Blues music had become more than just a symbol of the slaves, now it was becoming a symbol of America. The reason for this was because jazz and blues could be played by anyone from the whitest white to the blackest black. By this time White Americans could be heard playing the true jazz and blues. The tr ue jazz was music played by the black man, because it was his music. Even white jazz players were beginning to be famous. Artists such as Paul White man and O.D.J.B. were whites who began to play jazz. Music played by these people was really the first jazz that northerners were exposed to, and because of this black northerners began to think of jazz as a white dilution of blues. Jazz music used the same instruments as ragtime did except for the piano. The piano was not brought into the picture until later. In 1921 the first Black jazz band broke onto the national scene. This band contained many of the greats such as Joe Oliver and Louis Armstrong. They offered a smoother type of jazz compared to the sloppy jazz of the early White groups. Bibliography {\rtf\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f3\froman Times New Roman;}{\f4\froman Times New Roman;}} {\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0;} \ftnrstcont\ftnbj\ftnrstpg\aftnnar\ftnstart0\viewkind1 \deflang1033 \pard \plain\f3\fs28\b\qc Works Cited\plain\f3\fs24\par \ql\par \par \pard\li720\fi-720\sl480\slmult1\plain\f3\fs24 {\field{\*\fldinst HYPERLINK}{\fldrslt Gioia, Ted. \ul The History of Jazz\plain\f3\fs24 . New York: Oxford University Press US, 1997.}}\plain\f3\fs24 \plain \par \pard\plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\li720\fi-720\sl480\slmult1\plain\f3\fs24 {\field{\*\fldinst HYPERLINK}{\fldrslt Kubik, Gerhard. \ul Africa and the Blues\plain\f3\fs24 . Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1999.}}\plain\f3\fs24 \plain \par \pard\plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\li720\fi-720\sl480\slmult1\plain\f3\fs24 {\field{\*\fldinst HYPERLINK}{\fldrslt Panish, Jon. \ul The Color of Jazz : Race and Representation in Postwar American Cul ture\plain\f3\fs24 . Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1997.}}\plain\f3\fs24 \plain \par \pard\plain\f3\fs24 \par } Music Essays
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Rise of the American Political Parties essays
The Rise of the American Political Parties essays Even after the Constitution was drafted, there remained many ambiguous interpretations by the citizens along with politicians of America. The Anti-Federalists, like Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams, had a very strict following of the Constitution. However, the Federalists, such as George Washington and James Madison, believed that the Constitution was a set of guidelines rather than a strict collection of laws. These different ideas, along with the election of 1796, helped to create the division of ideas which resulted in the forming of the political parties. The Federalists, who were led by Alexander Hamilton, believed mainly in a strong central government. Hamilton believed that the common populace could not be trusted and that they would become greedy. He also thought that a strong federal government should have most of the authority because the states would become too divided if they were entrusted with individual powers. The goal of the Federalists was to unite the country and to develop a self sufficient economy based on industry as well as agriculture. Another idea that Hamilton and the Federalists shared was to create a financial policy in which the country would establish a system of credit. Furthermore, a national bank would be established along with a countrywide currency to rid the obstacles that threatened the development of industry in the United States. The Anti-Federalists, in contrast, believed in state powers. They feared that the new national government would take too much power away from the states and would not protect the rights of the individual citizens. Most of the federalists were small farmers and debtors, but some were wealthier people. Some Revolutionary heroes, such as George Mason, Richard Henry Lee, Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry, were also firm anti-federalists. Among them, the most famous was probably Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson believed in state powers, like most anti-federalists, and believed ve...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Application of the Letter from Birmingham in the War in Syria Essay
Application of the Letter from Birmingham in the War in Syria - Essay Example Martin Luther and his friend Abernathy Ralph had led demonstrations against laws that promoted the segregation of the black people in America. According to the law, Martin and Abernathy were supposed to get a permit to conduct the demonstrations. However, they failed to get the permit and that led to his arrest (King 34). The church clergy had responded to his arrest on the same day that he was detained in Birmingham prison arguing that both the white and black people should obey the civil laws in the country. Luther wrote the letter with the aim of justifying his disobedience of the law by arguing that it was the unjustness of the law that made him to demonstrate. Luther argues there are just and unjust laws, but the existence of unjust laws anywhere leads to injustice everywhere in the letter (King 36). Kingââ¬â¢s separation of just and unjust laws may be used in the analysis of the way in Syria and recommend on the actions that should be taken to end the war in the country. Mar tin argues that a regulation is just when it concurs with the laws of God, which he calls the ethical rules. Unjust laws, on the other hand, are those that are not based on the moral laws of God. Thus, according to King, laws are fair when they are acceptable in the whole society because Godââ¬â¢s rules are equal to all citizens despite their race and color (Tiefendbrun 68). This argument aimed at informing the state that the segregation of the black people who lived in the southern parts of Alabama was an unfair act that was against the will of God. The segregation of the black people commonly known as the Negros had been in the country since the eighteenth century when slavery of Africans and Asians was practiced in the western nations (King 25). King also argued that injustice in any part of the country led to unfairness in the whole nation. This meant that the injustice that existed in the southern part of the nation led to the unfairness in all regions of America (Tiefenbrun 70). Luther also meant that the segregation of the black people was a sign of immorality of the whole nation including the whites. This indicated that the white people would be considered as immoral even when they acted fairly in other things in the south and in other regions in the country. This means that even if nations and people conduct themselves in all things except one, they will still be unfair and they will lack development. King demonstrates this by giving the example of how Africa was moving towards independence at a high speed while America was wasting time segregating the black people. The activist argued that Americans were lagging behind by taking the longest time to serve Africans only a cup of coffee (King 79). This meant that the injustice of the laws would cause injustice in the country by slowing down freedom and development like that which Africa and Asia were experiencing at that time. Martin postulates that ââ¬Å"the oppressors who are mainly the leaders do not award the minority groups their freedom voluntarilyâ⬠(King 80) Therefore, he argues that there is need for civil disobedience by the oppressed groups to force the leaders to grant them their moral rights. This argument justified Kingââ¬â¢s act of disobeying laws by conducting demonstrations instead of negotiating with the leaders. He further justifies himself by pronouncing that he was tired of being asked to wait for negotiations. Luther argued that the word wait had become a synonym of never because he and his fellow Negros had heard it for numerous years before deciding to disobey the law (King 82). Thus, according to Martin, leaders should award their people with justice on time to avoid the disobedience of the law. However, when the leaders fail to create fair regulations, they should be reminded through
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cash Accounting versus Accrual Accounting Assignment
Cash Accounting versus Accrual Accounting - Assignment Example But in accrual method, transaction is recorded as and when they happen rather than paid or received. So in accrual method the sale or receipt of goods and services are recorded as and when it happens .At times it is not easy to finalize when the sale or buying occurred ,then the contractor confirm the date when he received the goods and services and the transaction is recorded in the books. The cash and accrual method gives the same outcome as one can instantly see the results. The results of these accounting methods will only show variations, if the transaction is on a credit basis. In case the transaction of sales and purchases are done on cash and recorded immediately in the account then, which ever method one use the ledger will reflect the same results. The businesses with sales less than $ 5 million a year can choose whatever accounting method they want for their business. However in both the methods, the result will be only a partial picture of the financial stand of you busin ess concern. Chapter 2) Theoretical View a) Cash accounting method In cash accounting the primary importance is on the inflow and outflow of cash on everyday transaction of the business .As and when money moves in or out, recording is made in the ledger so that analysis can be made to the financial status of the business in a particular accounting period. According to Tatum (2003)ââ¬Å"Part of the charm of a cash journal is that financial transactions entered as line items can be reviewed quickly when necessary, as well a providing a quick reference document when entering the transactions into other sections of the accounting booksâ⬠. The author here emphasize that cash accounting is very reliable when it comes to the informative part of the business activities occurring on a daily basis. Cash is the blood life of a business concern, and cash accounting method allows the recording of the every movement of cash in the firm. The cash accounting method allows a small entrepreneur to understand the profitability of his firm without many complications. But this accounting method is useful mainly for small enterprises .The bigger firms use accrual accounting method where trillions of dollars are transacted at a time and sales and purchase of good and services are time consuming. The cash accounting system is quick and easy and help the owner of business on understanding cash reserves when dealing are mainly on cash basis. For example when one use a credit card to make a purchase, one does not have a reduction in the personal account until one pay for the credit card, this is considered cash accounting b)Accrual accounting If one consider accrual accounting , the revenues and expenses are recorded when they are incurred, regardless of money is moved in or out. As per Duchac (2006,pg.98) ââ¬Å" Accrual accounting concepts are designed to reflect a companyââ¬â¢s financial performance during a period and avoid misleading results that could arise from the timin g of cash receipts and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Landscape Architecture in Palo Alto City Essay Example for Free
Landscape Architecture in Palo Alto City Essay Palo Alto City, a city known because of many famous landmarks and buildings, is located in Santa Clara County, in California of United States. The named of the city was derived from a name of a tall oak tree at the banks of the San Franciscquito Creek bordering Menlo Park called El Palo Alto. The geographic characteristic of the city is at the northern end of the Silicon Valley. The city is also situated near the Stanford University and is known as home of many huge companies in the high-technology industry like Hewlett-Packard. (Bowling, 2007) History of Palo Alto The history of Palo Alto city was traced back in 1979 Gaspar de Portola made an Ohlone settlement in the said city. To commemorate what happened in this place, a plaque was made in order to remember the histiroy for Palo Alto City. The plaque was located at Middlefield Road and Webster Street, (Bowling, 2007) Landscape Architecture Landscape architecture is the art of planning, designing, developing, managing and rehabilitating a land for a specified purpose. Landscape architecture is a profession that is combination of different inter disciplinary field like mathematics, geography, engineering, art, horticulture, social science, politics, history and philosophy. The duties of a landscape architecture can range from different roles like designing of a museum, parks, site planning for commercial buildings, as well as residential lands, and development and maintenance of nature lands like forest. Arastradero Preserve There are many famous buildings and landmarks located in the city. Some of the notable landmarks located in Palo Alto are the Arastradero Preserve. Arastradero Preserve, which is officially known as Enid W. Pearson- Arastradero Open Space Preserve, is a nature preserve which serves as parking lot of the city. The landscape architects designed the Arastradero Preserve so that people can have a biking, hiking and horseback riding session. The preserve is a combination of savanna grassland and broadleaf evergreen forest that is suitable for a nature preserve location. This made also the preserve to be a habitat for many wildlife species like bobcats, deer and diverse birds. (City, 2001) Arizona Cactus Garden Another popular landmark in Palo Alto is the Arizona Cactus Garden located in the Stanford University. Arizona Cactus Garden is a botanical garden specializing in the production of different cacti and succulents. The Arizona Cactus Garden is open for public visit. The Arizona Cactus Garden was designed by Rudolph Ulrich, a landscape architect, for Jane and Leland Stanford. The garden was open in public on 1883. The design of the garden was planned to be near at the residence of the Stanford family as well at the Stanford estate. The garden was designed in such a way it is divided in to two parts, the Eastern and Western Hemisphere. The Eastern Hemisphere part contains aloes, jade plants and other succulents from Europe, Asia and Africa while the Eastern Hemisphere contains cacti that are native in America. The garden was designed and made as public landmarks were people can view different varieties of cactus and succulents. (Bowling, 2007) Stanford University One of the most famous landmarks located in Palo Alto is the Leland Stanford Junior University or simply Stanford University. It is a private university that is situated at the center of Silicon Valley. It was in 1891 the university was established under the supervision of the governor of California, Leland Stanford together with his wife Jane Stanford. The name was derived from their only son, Leland Stanford Jr. who died at his teenage years. The university was firstly known as The Farm because it is situated at eh Leland Stanfordââ¬â¢s horse farm and offers courses for both male and female students. (Bowling, 2007) Stanford makes sure that the university will be of good quality that is why he consulted first some key person that may give a big help in the construction of the campus. Some of these person were Francis Amasa Walker, president of another university which is specialize in the filed of engineering, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and second is Frederick Law Olmsted which is a famous landscape architect. The main role of Olmsted is on the general plans and concept for the proposed university. These are the constructions of the buildings and the removal of hillside sites that will favor for more practical flatlands. Another landscape architect that helps in the design of the campus is Charles Allerton Coolidge. Coolidge used the concept Richardsonian Romanesque style that was derived from his teacher, Henry Hobson Richardson. The said style is has the properties of rectangular stone buildings that are joined by arcades of semi-circle arches. There was also another design that was incorporated at Stanford University, the Mission Revival. The Mission Revival is a Spanish-colonial style and is characterized as red tile roofs and solid sandstone masonry that hold a discrete Californian appearance. The red tile roof has a good combination to bright blue skies making it famous to the people of the city. (Bowling, 2007) The major open space is formed by an on-structure, two-level plaza. It is layered with linear arrays of granite and quartzite aligned to echo the San Andreas Fault line below, and subtly forms gathering areas of various sizes for outdoor classrooms. The lower and more private courtyard provides light to the surrounding laboratories and offices, and exposes a dry riverbed that continues the north/south fault line, while expressing the character of a lower stratum and accommodating gathering places for students, faculty and researchers. (Bowling, 2007) The Stanford University is a huge campus were almost basic building that is required in a university is made. There are different buildings for different department of the campus. There are also dormitories and student housing were the students can reside. Stanford University Arboretum Stanford University Arboretum, which is located at Stanford University, was also designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. First, the land where the arboretum is located was planted by live oak trees. Olmsted designed the arboretum so that the public is free to visit the park. The orientation of the trees to be planted was a factor that was considered by Olmsted as well as the spacing of the trees. Olmsted sees to it that the arboretum will serve as a public park. Jane Stanford finds the arboretum essential to the people of Palo Alto and once said to the people of the city; (Bowling, 2007) In this enlarged Arboretum it is desired that there shall be exhibited to advantage all the trees and wood plants of the world that may be expected to grow to mature natural forms under the climatic and other conditions of the locality. Byxbee Park Byxbee Park, which was designed by Peter Richards and Michael Oppenheimer, shows of the siteââ¬â¢s unique form and characteristics. Is shows the inspiration of landfill, slough, marsh, wind, and sky. The park does not allow buildings to be made inside the park making it a very natural in purpose. The intertwined elements of the park make the park a very sensitive environmental landmark. Cantor Center for Visual Arts The Cantor Center for Visual Arts, which is located in Stanford University, is another landmark in Palo Alto. The Cantor Center for Visual Arts is a museum that contains about 24 galleries, terraces, and sculpture gardens. The museum was established when the university was established in 1891 as a memorial park for their late son. Hewlett Packard Courtyard The Hewlett Packard Courtyard was designed to show the aesthetic value of nature. Hewlett Packard Courtyard is a huge company specializing in the production of computer hardware and the likes like printers. Hedges, designer of the courtyard, design the rooms of the employers of the company in such a way that they can view the outside environment. The terminal wires of the computer being utilized allow the programmers to work outside the rooms. Three-dimensional landforms ripple out from the round cafeteria addition, creating a romantic play against the beaux-arts structure of the courtyard, and dividing the space to create more intimate areas. (Bowling, 2007) Conclusion The role of a landscape architect is very important when buildings and landmarks are being constructed. Because the aesthetic value of the proposed building is their product. It must be taken in to account the proper way of designing, planning as well as developing the building. It is in the hands of a landscape architect the success of the building because this will reflect the popularity of the building.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Love And Marriage In Restoration Comedy
Love And Marriage In Restoration Comedy A comedy is usually a light, rather amusing, play that deals with contemporary life and manners. Such a drama often has a satirical slant, but ends happily. Among the many sub-genres under comedy, one can find the comedy of manners, which originated in France with Molieres Les Precieuses ridicules (1658). Moliere saw this comic form as a way to correct social absurdities. In England, the comedy of manners is represented by the plays of William Wycherley, George Etherege, William Congreve, and George Farquhar. This form was later classed Old Comedy but is now known as Restoration Comedy because it coincided with the return of the Charles II to England. The main goal of these comedies of manners in the period of Restoration is to mock society, or in other ways lift up society for scrutiny, which could cause negative or positive results. In the end, audience will laugh at themselves and society. The definition of comedy and the background of the Restoration Comedy help to explain the themes that run throughout these comedies of manners. One of the major themes is marriage and the game of love. However, if marriage is a mirror of society, the couples in the plays show something very dark and sinister about order. Many critiques of marriage that we see in the play are devastating, but the game of love is not much more hopeful. Although the endings are happy and the man invariably gets the woman, one can see marriages without love and love affairs that are rebellious breaks with tradition. This study will focus on two plays of Restoration comedies, William Wycherleys The Country Wife (1675) and William Congreves The Way of the World (1700), to show how dramatically society has progressed. A dramatic change, in moral attitudes about marriage and love has taken place. In Wycherleys Country Wife, the marriage between Pinchwife and Margery represents a hostile marriage between an old (or older man) and a young woman. The couple, Pinchwife, is the focal point of the play, at least as couples go, and Margery affair with Horner only adds to the humor of the play. Horner runs around cuckolding all of the husbands, while he pretends to be a eunuch. This pretension brings the women swarming to him. He is a master at the game of love, though he is emotionally impotent. He cannot love, which makes him an interesting character for analysis. The relationships in the play are dominated by jealousy or cuckoldry, with the exception of the gay couple, Alithea and Harcourt, but they are really pretty boring. The element of jealousy in marriage seems to be especially prevalent in the play. In Act IV, scene ii, Mr. Pinchwife says, in an aside: Mr. PINCHWIFE. So, tis plain she loves him, yet she has not love enough to make her conceal it from me; but the sight of him will increase her aversion for me and love for him, and that love instruct her how to deceive me and satisfy him, all idiot as she is. He insults her, not to her face of course, but hes serious. He wants her to be stupid, not able to deceive him. But even in her obvious innocence, he doesnt believe she is innocent. To him, every woman came out of natures hands plain, open, silly, and fit for slaves, as she and Heaven intended em. As he says, No woman can be forced. But he also says, in another aside: Mr. PINCHWIFE. Why should women have more invention in love than men? It can only be because they have more desires, more soliciting passions, more lust and more of the devil. Mr. Pinchwife isnt especially bright, but in his jealousy, he becomes a dangerous character. He becomes passionate in his mad ravings, thinking Margery had conspired to cuckold him. Little did he know that he was correct, but if he had known the truth, he would have killed her in his madness. As it is, when she disobeys him, he says: Mr. PINCHWIFE. Once more write as Id have you, and question it not, or I will spoil thy writing with this. I will stab out those eyes that cause my mischief. He doesnt ever hit her or stab her in the play (such actions wouldnt make a very good comedy), but Mr. Pinchwife continually locks Margery in the closet, calls her names, and in all other ways, acts like a complete jerk (to put it nicely). Because of his abusive nature, Margerys affair is not a surprise. In fact, it is accepted as a social norm, along with Horners promiscuity. At the end, the whole scene with Margery learning to lie is also taking in stride because the idea has already been set up when Mr. Pinchwife voiced his fears that if she loved Horner more, she would conceal it from him. And with that, social order is restored. In Congreves The Way of the World, the trend of restoration continues, but marriage becomes more about contractual agreements and greed, then about love. Millamant and Mirabell iron out a pre-nuptial agreement before they agree to marry. Then Millamant, for an instant, seems willing to marry her cousin, Sir Wilful, so that she can keep her money. It is a battle of the wits; it is not a battlefield of emotions. In that way, The Way of the World can be likened to Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing, where Beatrice and Benedict play at love in their battle of wits. Its comical to see the two wits going at it, but, when we look deeper, there is an edge of seriousness behind their words. After they list conditions, Mirabell says: MIRABELL. These provisos admitted, in other things I may prove a tractable and complying husband. Love may be the basis of their relationship, as Mirabell appears honest; however, their alliance is a sterile romance, devoid of the touchy, feely stuff, which one should hope for in a courtship. Mirabell and Millamant are two wits perfect for each other in the battle of the sexes; nevertheless, the pervading sterility and greed reverberates as the relationship between the two wits becomes much more confusing. But then, that is the way of the world. Confusion and deception are the way of the world, but compared to The Country Wife and other earlier drama, Congreves play shows a different kind of chaos, one marked with contracts and greed instead of the hilarity and mix-up of Horner and other rakes. The evolution of society, as mirrored by the plays themselves is apparent. Sources 1. Drabble, Margaret , The Oxford Companion to English Literature 2. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, The Major Authors, Sixth Edition 3. Abjadian, Amrollah, Dr., A Survey of English Literature (II) 4. Patterson, Michael, The Oxford Dictionary of Plays 5. Abrams, M.H., A Glossary of Literary Term, Eighth Edition 6. William Wycherley, The Country Wife, 1675 7. William Congreve, The Way of the World, 1700
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Conclusion Cults
The cults are characterized by their methods and also their beliefs. A cult refers to a social group that is cohesive and it is devoted to practices and beliefs of the surrounding culture considered to be out of the mainstream with notably negative or positive admired perceptions. In most of the times cults have a positive and a negative perception with the positive perception relating it to the groups of arts, fiction, writing, music and fashion. On the other hand the negative for cultic movements relates it to pyramidal business groups, questionable therapeutic groups and also extreme political groups.The status of a cultic populist group begins as a rumor of the belief system in a novel including its devotions that are great, its practices that are idiosyncratic and also its positive or negative effects on the members and its perception. In most cases cults are defined in such a way that they are viewed and identified as problematic groups and if we were to do away with the proble matic concern the attributes and the characteristics of cultic groups would not be in existence, (Richardson N. 2004). Types of cults The Utopian CultThis group of people share a belief that the Lord, Jesus Christ returned back to earth way back in the year 70. The return of Christ made it possible for the community to bring the millennium kingdom of Christ themselves. Consequently, the cult believers were able to free themselves of sin and have hence forth been perfected in the world. They do not wait for perfection in heaven since they already attained it down here on earth. This community was characterized by the spirit of communalism. They owned all processions and property communally. They were present in Vermont, New Jersey, Newark, Wallingford and Putney among other places.The community initially had 87 members but the number grew up to 306 by the year 1878. All the branches of this cult were closed down in the year 1854. The only surviving community by the name the Wallingfo rd community was unfortunately devastated and washed away by a tornado way back in 1854. The Apocalypse Cult This cult typology has people who believe that the world is coming to an end. The cult is also commonly known by the term, dooms day cult. They site the examples of the weapons of mass destruction as one of the elements that will bring the world to an end.They claim that the planet earth is being faced by wrath and great threats to the existence of human kind and that it will be wiped off from the face of the earth as well as the world history, (Wilson, Stephen, 1993). The cult holds affirm belief that the Lord Jesus Christ will only come back to earth after there has occurred a holocaust of nuclear in the Middle East. They then argue that the most powerful leaders today have been brainwashed by this belief and thatââ¬â¢s the reason why they are propagating for the nuclear weapons and those of mass destruction.They cult leaders who are apocalyptic have contributed to the l oss of lives by thousands of people. The followers believe that they are the chosen ones by Christ and have been saved from the evils of this world and will eternally live at the right most hand of Jesus Christ. They prophesy on the rapture and try to speed up the second coming of Christ. Religious Cults A religious cult has other external religious observances and practices apart from the sacred scriptures and the faith of the believers. Religious cults normally have veneration devotion that goes beyond the living. They are characterized worship of the dead.The observances of religious cults include ceremonies and rituals that may be done in a variety of forms including sacrifice, prayers or hymns. These cult types also have idols and sacred places that are used for pilgrimages, (Weissen, K. 1992). The most notorious cults are the doomsday or apocalyptic cults since they are known to mislead and brainwash their followerââ¬â¢s minds and sometimes even to death. Cults and Canada C anada should have legislation against the formation and following of cults. Cults do lure many innocent citizens who feel that the world has not been fair to them.These people are normally desperate and the cults easily take advantage of this and promise them of a fruitful and good life beyond this earth. Through these cults, hundreds of people have lost their lives where the followers are at times advised by their leaders to take away their lives so as to meet Christ and move away from this desperate and evil world. Cults should hence be done away with and absolutely banned through legislation. The difference between a religion and a cult lies in extremity while the religions donââ¬â¢t and also the cults exhibit them with a greater vigor than all the other religions do.It is important to clearly define the term cult and how it differs or itââ¬â¢s similar to religion. A cult is not just defined as a religion and on the other hand the major worldââ¬â¢s religions are not cult s, (Richardson N. 2004). Some people say that the only difference that exists between a cult and a religion is a hundred years. Cults do not have any positive gains since they eventually lead to the destruction of their followers or they misguide and mislead their followers to an extent that they become confused. The followers of a cult do not normally see those who are not part of this form of worship as leading the true way of life.They can even cause harm to those who criticize them, (James, Simon 1993). The strength of the cults is that they are able to lure worshipers into believing on the doctrines of the cult and eventually brainwash them. They are based on materialism and hence innocent people would give in to their ideas. Their main weakness is that they do not end well. More often than not, the cult followers end up losing their lives to the beliefs and ill advice of their leaders. The followers lead a miserable life with the untrue promises given to them by their leaders, (Herm and Jerhard, 2001). Conclusion Cults have existed for very many years to date.Some people normally are not able to tell the difference between cults and the true religious faith. This is more so because there are even religious cults. The cult community normally shares a set of beliefs which could have their end focused on Christ or not. A very prominent editor for the Washington weekly turned down an article proposal on the issue of science and church by saying that the only difference that existed between a religion and a cult was a hundred years. Similarly a larger number of people agree to such sentiments as they equate religions to cults and insist on the blurriness of any line that separates them in any way.It seems perverse for the religious people who are honest to their faiths to be grouped together with those who run cults. References Herm, Jerhard, (2001): The Celts: The People Who Came Out of the Darkness. NY: St. Martin's Press James, Simon (1993): The World of t he Cults. London: Thames and Hudson, 1993. Richardson N. (2004): The Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Oxford Weissen, K. (1992): Goddess Worship and the Status of Women in Ancient Celtic Society. Hampshire College: Wilson, Stephen, (1993): Saints and their Cults: Studies in Religious Sociology, Folklore and History. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hero and Beowulf
Epic heroes possess many traits that other characters lack. Among these are physical strength, bravery, and wisdom. These attributes aid the heroes with their journeys throughout the epic. Beowulf exemplifies each of these traits somewhere is the story. They aid him in his battles with monsters and allow him to be a leader to his people. These traits cause Beowulf to stand out among his peers and endear him to the reader. Beowulf is definitely a perfect example of an epic hero. Beowulf's physical strength, bravery, and wisdom characterize him as an epic hero.Beowulf's physical strength is revealed to the reader through his amazing feats and his unbelievable battles with mystical creatures. In lines 91 and 92 it states that Beowulf was the strongest man in the world. These words come from the Geats who are barbaric people to begin with. The fact that they speak so highly of Beowulf's strength is a testament to its truthfulness. After Beowulf arrives in Denmark he quickly travels to He rot to prepare for his battle with Grendel. In the lines following 307 it is stated that Grendel was instantly seized by Beowulf upon trying to clutch him.This is a feat that no man was able to accomplish before Beowulf's arrival. Beowulf's strength is also shown in his battle with Grendel's mother. In lines 465 and 466 it states that Beowulf was able to throw the she-witch to the ground. This only reemphasizes Beowulf's great physical strength. Finally, Beowulf's strength is shown in his battle with the dragon. Beowulf's battle with the dragon occurs when he is an old man. The fact that Beowulf is still able to defeat the dragon shows the reader the extent of his great strength.Beowulf's great physical strength is one of the characteristics that make him an epic hero. The second characteristic that Beowulf embodies is bravery. In the beginning of the story it is made obvious to the reader that Beowulf has led a glorious youth. He preformed feats that no other man would dare try. As soon as word of Grendel reaches the shores of Geatland, Beowulf makes it his personal mission to defeat the monster. During the battle with Grendel on lines 295 and 296, Beowulf lies patiently on the floor and waits for Grendel to seize him.He also chooses not to use weapons to fight the monster. When pursuing Grendel's mother on lines 307 and 308, Beowulf jumps into the lake without a second thought. As he sinks to the bottom the thoughts crossing his mind are of the battle to come and the glory he will gain. During the battle with the dragon Beowulf continues fighting alongside Wiglaf even after all others abandon them. One of the main sources of Beowulf's bravery is his belief that ââ¬Å"Godâ⬠is in control. Beowulf believes that he has no control over his own death.With this knowledge Beowulf can storm into battle with no hesitations. Beowulf's bravery is the second characteristic that makes him an epic hero. The final characteristic that sets Beowulf apart as an epic her o is his wisdom. From the beginning of the story Beowulf is painted as a wise individual. On the long journey from Geatland to Denmark Beowulf serves as the boat captain. He is the figurehead of his fellow Geats and is shown as the leader. During his battle with Grendel, Beowulf displays superior fighting ability and combat strategy.By pretending to be asleep, Beowulf surprises Grendel and gains the upper hand in the fight. When Beowulf is dragged into the she-witches lair he quickly realizes that his weapons have no effect. Beowulf sees the giant's sword hanging on the wall and draws it. Using the sword he severs the head of Grendel's mother and wins the battle. When Beowulf was faced with an unusual condition, he used his wisdom to guide him through the battle. Eventually Beowulf became the ruler of Geatland. His years of fighting had given him the wisdom to effectively lead his people.There he would rule until his return to Denmark and his final battle with the dragon. Beowulf's strength is the third quality that defines him as an epic hero. Beowulf is one of the most popular examples of an epic hero. His physical strength, bravery, and wisdom set him apart from all other warriors. Beowulf was able to defeat enemies that no other man would challenge. Even though Beowulf was eventually slain in battle, he died never knowing defeat. This is an accomplishment that few heroes make. Beowulf represents one of the most notable epic heroes in history.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Nikki Stone Essays
Nikki Stone Essays Nikki Stone Paper Nikki Stone Paper When Turtles Fly The Secret of Success Nikkei Stones is definitely one of the most memorable speaker I have ever had a chance to meet. She is incredible in term of her experience, presentation skills, and inspiration. I feel really honor to meet her in person, listen to her lessons, and learn one of the most interesting theory that could help anyone who tries successful in life: the Turtle Effect. The Turtle Effect, according to Nikkei Stone, is that you have to be soft inside, hard outside, and dare to stick your neck out in needed situations. Soft Inside implies we have to have big dream, big inspiration, and determination to do something. Hard shell means despite that soft side we have, we need to be able to hard enough to react to whatever hardships and obstacles that life will bring to us. And dare to stick your neck out implies that we need to step up, win over our fears ND try to overcome the impossible. She also gave us many good advices about passion, focus, commitment, overcoming adversities, confidence, risk, and teamwork. To me, those are almost everything that four years of college have educated me. It Is lessons for life and will help anyone In any aspects In life. She made me think about who I am and where I am In a way that Ignites my drive to chase my big dreams and fulfill my goals.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Not all hybrids have electric motors and batteries
Not all hybrids have electric motors and batteries When it comes to transportation, hybridization is not new. Hybrid cars and trucks that combine an electric motor with a gasoline engine date back to the turn of the 20th century. Hybrid diesel-electric locomotives have been in operation for years, and in the 1970s, small numbers of diesel-electric buses began to appear. On a smaller scale, a moped is a hybrid - it combines the power of a gasoline engine with the pedal power of the rider. So, any vehicle that combines two or more sources of power is considered a hybrid vehicle (HV). Today, when hybrid and vehicle are used together - think Toyota Prius, Ford Fusion Hybrid or Honda Civic Hybrid - that vehicle, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, is a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV). Each of these vehicles combine an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor that receives electricity from a battery pack. Todayââ¬â¢s gasoline- and diesel electric hybrid systems are very complex, high-tech wonders in design and operation. Components include controllers, generators, converters, inverters, regenerative braking and, of course, a battery pack - either nickel-metal hydride or lithium ion. HEVs offer benefits that their conventional gasoline or diesel counterparts do not have - increased fuel economy and fewer harmful emissions coming out the tailpipe. But to achieve the same results not all hybrid vehicles require electric motors and batteries. Hereââ¬â¢s a look at three alternative hybrid systems. One is now employed in big trucks and could find its way into cars, one is likely to appear in a 2016 BMW and the third could be on the road in three years. Hydraulic - Not Just For The Big Dogs Last August I featured an article about a hydraulic hybrid system that has made its way into big diesel refuse trucks, the ones that come around once a week and pick up our trash. On a good day, a garbage hauler will eke out 4 to 5 mpg. Then there are all those icky, nasty pollutants pouring out of the exhaust stacks. But thanks to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), yes, those same government folks who monitor environmental laws and fuel mileage testing, a hydraulic hybrid system they pioneered increases fuel economy in the big rigs by as much as 33 percent and reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) by 40 percent. The principal of the hydraulic system is similar to a HEV. It recovers a portion of the energy normally lost as heat by the vehicleââ¬â¢s brakes. But instead of a battery pack, a hydraulic system uses pistons to capture the wasted energy by compressing nitrogen gas stored in a tank, called an accumulator. When the driver lets off the accelerator pedal, the wheels drive a hydraulic pump that pumps hydraulic fluid to compress the nitrogen gas and slows the truck down. When the driver accelerates, the nitrogen is allowed to expand and pushes a piston in a cylinder filled with hydraulic fluid. This action assists the diesel engine in turning the rear wheels. The hydraulic system performs remarkably well on the big dog trucks, but what about light duty trucks or passenger cars? The Center For Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP), a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota is working on that. The centerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Generation 2â⬠vehicle - a Ford F-150 pickup - utilizes a custom-built continuously variable power split hydraulic transmission. It is complemented with hydraulic accumulators to enable hybrid operation. To be competitive, the system must demonstrate advantages over BEVs. Design specifications for the vehicle include: vibration and harshness comparable to a passenger vehicle; a 0 to 60 mph time of 8 seconds; climb a grade of 8 percent; emissions that meet California standards; and the big one, fuel economy of 70 mpg under the federal drive cycles. Steaming Along Twin brothers Francis and Freelan Stanley, inventors of the Stanley Steamer, would likely approve of BMWââ¬â¢s innovative use of the same principal that worked to power their steam engine cars more than 100 years ago to improve the efficiency in modern vehicles. Called Turbosteamer, this system uses wasted heat energy from an engineââ¬â¢s wasted exhaust gases to contribute power to the automobile. This steam assist system starts with a heat exchanger located between the engine and the catalyst that turns water into steam. The pressurized steam is then carried to what is essentially a small steam engine. A second, smaller steam engine produces a little more mechanical energy. I began following this technology in 2005 when BMW said the two steam engines combined generated 14 horsepower and 15 pounds-feet of torque on a 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine. Additionally, fuel economy improved by 15 percent in overall driving. The automaker also said it intended to make the Turbosteamer ready for volume production in a number of its vehicles within a decade. Well, itââ¬â¢s 10 years later, will it see production? Since then, researchers and engineers focused on reducing the size of the components and making the system simpler to improve dynamics. They came up with an innovative expansion turbine based on the principle of the impulse turbine. The system is now smaller, costs less and the developers say fuel consumption is reduced by up to 10 percent during highway driving. While the Turbosteamer canââ¬â¢t compare its greenness to the BMW i3 all-electric car, a 10 percent improvement in fuel economy for an ââ¬Å"Ultimate Driving Machineâ⬠is nothing to sneeze at. Itââ¬â¢s possible a Turbosteamer equipped BMW vehicle will be introduced next year. Not Just A Bunch Of Hot Air The idea that compressed air could power a viable zero emissions car has been pursued for years by many respected engineers. In 2000, there was much ado about a new compressed air, zero pollution vehicle from French inventor and Formula One engine builder, Guy Nà ¨gre. His company, Motor Development International (MDI), rolled out an urban-sized car, taxi, pickup and van that were powered by an air engine. Instead of those tiny, tiny explosions of gasoline and oxygen pushing the pistons up and down, like in a normal internal combustion engine, the all-aluminum four-cylinder air engine used compressed air for the job. A hybrid version, using a small gasoline engine to power an onboard compressor for a constant supply of compressed air, was claimed to be able to travel from Los Angeles to New York on just one tank of gas. In 2007 MDI signed an agreement with Tata Motors, Indiaââ¬â¢s largest automobile manufacturer to produce air cars in 2008, followed by the hybrid version in 2009. No cars were produced. Thatââ¬â¢s perhaps one of the reasons compressed air-powered cars have been the butt of jokes among the green car community. Today, the number of jokes has diminished. Thatââ¬â¢s the result of Peugeotââ¬â¢s introduction of the 208 HYbrid Air 2L Prototype at the 2014 Paris Auto in October. (Full Review). It employs a compressed air tank that turns a hydraulic motor for additional power or zero emissions city driving rather than a battery for the same functions. Like a BEV, during normal driving the car is powered by the gasoline engine. Compressed air is called upon for additional power when passing or traversing a hill. In this situation, power from both the engine and hydraulic motor are directed to the front wheels via an epicyclic transmission, similar to the planetary gear set transmission used by the Toyota Prius. In city driving, where less power is needed and emissions-free driving is the priority, rather than power provided by a battery, the compressed air alone motivates the car. The compressed air tank is recharged when braking or by using part of the energy developed by the three-cylinder gasoline engine to compress the air. During the Pairs Show, Peugeot said if another large auto manufacturer would buy into the technology to enable production in enough numbers to assure manufacturing affordability, the HYbrid Air could be on the market in three or so years. Two reports from Europe are suggesting, without naming the car company, that Peugeot has found an interested partner. Last Word Itââ¬â¢s not certain that any of these three alternative hybrid systems will be available in production vehicles, and if they are, what kind of an impact they will have in the marketplace. What is clear is, electricity in the drivetrain isnââ¬â¢t the only way to hybridize a vehicle.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Dance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Dance - Essay Example Beyonceââ¬â¢s video is only a modern version of Fosseââ¬â¢s, with differing dance moves. Inspiration is important; every artiste takes his inspiration from his favourite and most liked work. However, there is a stark difference between being inspired and plagiarising. There is no reason to ââ¬Å"borrowâ⬠work from another, and if one is doing that, he is supposed to credit the person. Beyonce has a reputation of originality and unique work and I agree with that reputation. This video, however, did bring doubts to my mind and every time I will watch her video now I will stop to ponder whether it is her original idea or a borrowed one. Fosseââ¬â¢s Rich Manââ¬â¢s Frug has been a sensational video and one of the best works of Fosse. Space, timing and effort qualities are three choreographic tools very much visible in the video. The groups of dancers, whether just standing or moving as well, perform perfectly together; the way the dancers move around in sync and unison; and the very vigorous and sharp dance
Friday, November 1, 2019
Americas intolerant history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Americas intolerant history - Essay Example The chapter gives the detailed deliberation of the American history and a basic impact of American ideology. The chapter clearly defines how the reformations gradually took place to give the shape to the present society. It clearly gives a panoramic view of American intolerance.The chapter has given minute details about the sufferings of women, and non-WASP communities especially of immigrants. It clearly indicates the attitude of the native Americans and their feeling of supremacy and dominance. The chapter defines how marginalized groups achieved success after years of oppression, strife and resistance. The chapter gives the view of struggle that envisaged success inspite of the fact that it was years of tolerance of these communities and now they are able to enjoy the fruits of it. The contented feeling of these communities help America to be on the road of metamorphosis for equality and togetherness and also the feeling of belongingness. The chapter provides the documented facts through history that proves the authenticity and the truth that this chapter embraces. It discuss out the social reforms, religious reforms and racial harmony that took an era to get stabilized and to get the present vision. The chapter also concludes with the most significant act of defiance against intolerance the civil right movement of the twentieth century. The chapter signifies- WASPs- initially the most significant portion of the population comprised of White Anglo- Saxon Protestants who had four main values defining ethnicity : a. The brief democracy that promoted equality, freedom and individualism b. A brief in private economic enterprise and success c. A brief in the Protestant branch to the Judeo-Christian religion d. A belief in secularism defined by rationality, progress and scientific advancement. The chapter provides the details of intolerance of WASPs for those who do not follow their regulations. The Native Americans, Mexicans and African Americans were given the bottom category in the social hierarchy, whereas, , groups with less physical distinctions received greater acceptance (Purpura, 2000). WASPs were the main stream in establishing the early economic, political, social and religious foundations of America. The non-WASPs were pressurized to conform traditional culture and learn English and abandoning opposing cultural values. The chapter implies the established laws and quota for immigration, resulted in discrimination against individuals who were least like the WASPs in appearance. The chapter also implicates the Nativism which depicts that the European Protestants established themselves as the "native core" of US they were openly hostile to the cultural influences of other immigrant groups. They also found that useful and cheap labor is provided by immigrants. They observed themselves as the true Americans. Those immigrants who did not embrace Protestantism were ostracized and reminded of their inferiority by the action of nativist mob. These mobs were fiercely protective of all cultural values that they considered to be truly American and included anti-immigrants leagues, the various manifestations of the Ku Klux Klan and political parties such as Know Nothings (Perry 2000a). The chapter presents the fact that after Revolutionary war nativism, or practice of protecting the indigenous culture through conscious effort, began to take hold. Programs and policies were developed so as to encourage non-WASPs to adopt WASP values and traditions. It also envisage that 1800s onsets the scientifically justified racial ideologies that further supported the WASP- held negative perceptions of immigrants. The chapter highlights WASPs believed themselves to be inherently superior- physically, culturally, intelligently and politically. The chapter emphasize WASP-based political movement centered on a hatred of
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