Monday, September 30, 2019

Promotion of Effective Communication †Workbook Essay

Question  1 Look at your company’s policies and procedures on completing records and maintaining effective communication, what is your role? Answer: I browsed and read my organisation’s policy regarding the service user’s rights and those legislations which promotes equality, diversity, and discrimination. a. Each service user has a right to information regarding their care service that does not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnic origin, creed, colour, religion, political affiliation, disability or impairments, marital status, parenthood, sexual gender or sexual orientation. b. Each service user has the right of access to their personal care records and to comment on them accordingly. Service users have the right to appoint an advocate to make their wishes and preferences known if they are unable to do so. c. Each service user has the right to be assured that no personal or confidential information concerning their affairs will be disclosed to a third party without their express permission. d. Each service user has the right to communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language. When completing records and reports look through your staff hand book or induction pack you were given at work and explain any rules and regulations or policies you need to follow when completing records and reports at work some of which might include: †¢ Records should be completed as soon as possible after the event †¢ Details should be accurate †¢ Details should be relevant †¢ Details should be legible †¢ Details should clearly indicate if it is a fact, opinion or hearsay. Opinions are acceptable as long as it is clearly stated as such. †¢ Always record as little as possible but detailed and as much as necessary. 2, 3, 10, 11 Describe ways that you provide support to individuals to communicate their needs. How might your communication alter with different individuals ? What aids might be used to support effective communication ? Answer: To support individuals and key people to communicate their needs you will need to: a. Arrange the individual’s environment to facilitate effective communication and promote understanding. This can be done by ensuring privacy going into a quiet room, if the area is noisy because of the volume of a radio or television it needs to be reduced. Poor lighting in the room needs to be changed and some more that you can think of. b. As a care worker you need to check that the individual have the appropriate support to communicate their views. This could be making sure the individual who uses glasses and an hearing aid is supported by making sure the glasses is at client’s reach or that hearing aids is switched on and working properly. c. Appropriate styles and methods of communication should be used with respect to the individual. Such as: Active listening – showing be gestures that you are listening, sitting or standing half turned away gives the message that you are not listening. Responding appropriately – nodding your head.  Good body language and maintaining eye contact – Leaning forwards can be used effectively when you want to emphasize your interest or support. The methods that can be used to communicate effectively are: a. Support equality and diversity †¢ This can be done by using appropriate language that the service user understands also using the appropriate register of language, for instance not using phrases that could be referred to as jargon. Another method is to use the appropriate way of speaking within a speech community. For instance communicating with young people may mean using their style of language e.g. what’s up with you, hello mate. †¢ Provision of communication aids and use of non-verbal communication if service user has hearing or vision impairments or learning and physical disabilities. b. Are effective when dealing with, and challenging discrimination †¢ Working with key people demands that you communicate in a language that they understand and also using simple words. For example the use of clinical words that is not commonly understood would not be necessary if you know they are not familiar with them. †¢ Sometimes we come across people who cannot understand us for one reason or the other instead of ignoring them it would be helpful to source a skilled interpreter but we still need to make effort to communicate with the person by learning some of the ways of communication or a few useful words from their language. The methods to support individuals to communicate are: Ensure environment is suitable (lighting, noise background) Provide interpreter if necessaryAllow sufficient time for individuals to understand the content of communication. Use relevant aids for communication (e.g. cards, symbols, hearing aids, large print) Provide advocate to speak for a service user Ensure written material is in suitable formats or language. Specific aids that may be used to support effective communication : Aided communication is communication supported or replaced by materials or equipment. There are simple materials or equipment used everyday such as a pen and paper to write messages, alphabet charts, pictures or symbols or photographs. Communication aids can be categorized into 3 broad groups: Symbolic Aids This is commonly the use of signs and symbols, it requires individuals to undertake a form of training on the correct forming of signs used and types of symbols: †¢ British Sign Language – used as a communication aid for individual with hearing loss. †¢ Makaton – used as an aid to support speech and not intended to replace it. †¢ Picture Exchange communication systems (PEC) – This aid helps individuals to be independent as they able to exchange a picture for what they want from a compiled album of pictures. †¢ Deaf – Blind manual alphabets – Slightly modified version of the BSL. Finger- spelling alphabet is used. Technical Aids †¢ Talking microwaves – usually for individuals with sight loss †¢ Computers – which read out the text on the screen. †¢ Light writer – this is a portable device into which the individual types in what they would want to say. Human Aids †¢ Interpreter – is a person who supports the communication between two people who do not have the same language. This also includes the sign language. †¢ Translator – is a person who changes the written word into an easier format for the individual to read. This could be into Braille or symbols. †¢ Advocate – This is someone who speaks on behalf of an individual when they are not able to do so. 4, 5, 19 In relation to the promotion of effective communication, give examples of what you do to maintain the following laws and guidelines: a) Data Protection Act b) Access to Health Records Act c) The General Social Care Council Code of Conduct d) Standard 37 National Minimum Standards for Care Homes e) Caldicott Report Answer: a) To maintain Data Protection Act it is necessary to complete the records as soon as possible after the event and always record as little as possible but detailed and as much as necessary; to make sure that the details are accurate, relevant and legible and that they clearly indicate if it’s a fact, opinion or hearsay. Another important thing is that opinions are acceptable as long as it is clearly stated as such. The information shared by the individuals must be confidential to ensure data protection. In case that the information suggests that the client is under risk, the consent of the individual needs to be obtained before passing the information to an appropriate member of the staff, and even when the consent is not given it becomes important to report. b) To maintain the Access to Health Records Act I have to make sure that the records are accurate, legibly written, shareable so that the information can be used to provide individuals with the support and care required. The  members of a care team are fully informed of new developments and changes in a client’s care plan and the evidence of the actions taken in specific circumstances are available if the need arises. I can access information and records about an individual by: talking to the service user, accessing previous records after permission has been sought from the appropriate person, talking to colleagues who know the individual, to family members or to other professionals c) To maintain The General Social Care Council Code of Conduct, as a social care worker, I must establish and ensure the confidence of service users and carers. This includes: communicating in an appropriate, open, accurate and straightforward way; respecting confidential information and clearly explaining agency policies about confidentiality to service users and carers. I must be accountable for the quality of my work, I have to maintain clear and accurate records required by procedures established for my work. 6,7 Where can you find out about an individuals communication and language needs, information about communication and language skills to improve your practice ? Answer: I can find out about an individuals communication and language needs by asking my manager or the service user, discussing with other care workers who know the individual, talking to family members, to a speech therapist or other professionals for advice, exploring the internet or consulting a library for more information. In order to improve my practice, I can find out about information, communication and language skills by asking my supervisor or manager, or colleagues who have confronted with similar cases. I can also consult the case notes of the individual, or relevant documents provided by the organization that will help me learn how to communicate effectively – for example the induction manuals, search for information via the internet or specialist organizations for the particular condition, attend relevant training courses to communication, supervision and appraisal sessions. 9  What factors may affect communication skills, abilities and behaviour of an individual ? How may they react as a result of these factors? Answer: Factors that can affect communication skills, abilities and behaviour of an individual are: – Physical Impairments – visual and hearing – Language barriers – accents, different language – Cognitive or sensory impairments – learning difficulties, memory loss, – Illness – dementia, stroke – Environmental problems – poor lighting, noisy environments If this happens, the individual in question becomes withdrawn from others around them, isolated from others. This may affect his self-esteem and self-confidence negatively. That individual may also become confused, angry and frustrated. 12  If you were trying to have a conversation with an individual how would you arrange the environment and position yourself to communicate effectively? Answer: First of all, I have to make sure that there isn’t any background noise that could make the communication difficult. Then, another important step to achieve effective communication with individuals is arranging the environment to aid communication. Here are some factors that can hinder or disturb good communication: – Poor lighting, because individuals with poor sight are unable to see you – Background noise from the radio, other individuals, TV and so on – Obstacles between me, the care worker, and the individual, for example furniture and household items – Insufficient distance to keep appropriate space within me and the individual to avoid encroaching or invading on their personal space 13, 14  Describe some conflicts that might occur as a result of communication difficulties. How would you deal with these conflicts? Answer: Some of the conflicts that might occur as a result of communication difficulties are: individuals can become frustrated and isolated when the  communication between themselves and their workers is encountering problems. These problems or dilemmas are sometimes the result of: – a difference in the language spoken by the service user and the worker – the service user has visual impairments or hearing difficulties – the individual might have a physical illness or disability – either physical disability or learning disability. There are many ways to solve the conflicts that might occur. It depends on the nature of the problem. For example, for: †¢ Language differences: If there are conflicts due to language differences, then an interpreter will be appropriate for any serious discussions or communications. Efforts should be made to learn a few important words to communicate with the individual or teach the individual some words in the workers language if they are willing to facilitate communication. Non verbal communication will be an effective method in solving this kind of conflict. †¢ Hearing difficulties: Individual with hearing difficulties need to be assisted to ensure their hearing aids are working and fitted properly. It would be necessary that a worker will assist the individual to clean the equipment, change the batteries when appropriate. Workers will also need to give the client the appropriate space and communication pace that would make communication effective. If the need arises words can be written down for clarity. The use of signs and telecommunication services such as type talk service are very useful. †¢ Visual difficulties: Individual with visual difficulties need to be provided with glasses or contact lenses so they can observe non verbal communication. This will prevent misunderstandings during communication with people. †¢ Physical disabilities: Communications with individuals in this category will be according to the type of physical disability or illness. If the illness has affected the individual’s ability to speak and understand, for instance a stroke then the use of short, simple sentences, gestures, writing and drawing or using flash cards, the use of closed questions which only need â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no† should be useful. †¢ Some illness do not affect the client’s understanding, so there is no need to speak slowly but will need to be patient to receive a response as the client might have difficulty with their speech e.g. stroke. †¢ Learning disabilities: The method of communication will depend on the level of the disability. I will need to communicate at the pace and space suitable for the client. Physical contacts are of an advantage to be used along with  verbal communication. †¢ Cultural differences: People have different cultural backgrounds, therefore it is necessary to find out from the individuals their communication preferences or alternatively check their care plan records o r ask people such as their family, friends, colleagues or key people who have worked with them. 15, 16  When communicating difficult, sensitive or complex messages, how might your style of communication alter? What type of environment would be most appropriate for this sort of communication ? Answer: Communicating with individuals who are distressed or upset due to bereavement this could be sensitive, complex or difficult. In this situation, I will ask if the person would want to discuss any concerns with me or maybe another person of their choice. I can use non verbal communication while been a good listener such as making good eye contact with the individual as she talks, which will depict that I’m willing to listen. If the client is displaying a behaviour that dictates that they are able to put others or themselves at risk, then I might need to involve the attention of appropriate members of the care team. For this sort of communication, the environment must be comfortable and appropriate. I would come across times when I need to discuss matters with individuals that are referred to as sensitive issues. If an individual needs to discuss his personal needs with me, I have to ensure that he feels comfortable and encouraged to communicate these issues. On the other hand, I might want to discuss with the service user about their changing needs such as diet, incontinence, mobility and so on. Communicating bad news, like a bereavement of a spouse or close person to the individual will also require certain communication skills. The things that should take into account are: †¢ Remember individuals have a right to their privacy, therefore the immediate environment should be arranged to ensure privacy. For example a client’s bedroom or apartament should be free from visitors at the time. †¢ Individual’s preferred method of communication should be made available. †¢ Communication should be made at the pace of the individual, giving enough time for both of us to understand the content of the communication. †¢ Observe and respond appropriately to reactions fromà ‚  individuals. 17  Who do you need to gain permission from to access records and why ? Answer: I need to gain permission of my manager or client to access records. Accessing information will help me to improve my practice and also my responsibility. Within the organization there should be relevant documents to access information or if I work with individuals in their own home the care plan should contain useful information. 18  Define the following words: a) Fact b) Opinion c) Judgement Why is it important that you aware of the difference of these words when reporting and recording information about individuals ? Answer: a) A fact is a true statement that cannot be disputed, knowledge or information based on real occurrences; something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed. b) An opinion is a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty- it is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts, a subjective statement or thought about an issue or topic. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts. c) A judgement is a cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions. Judgments are also personal and developed from experience; they differ from person to person. For example, if a client is dying and all the symptoms and signs show the evidence, reports and records should show these facts. On the other hand if the client only refused to talk, people might have different opinions and judgments to explain the reason. Records and reports will need to be verified to deduce the correct and most suitable reason. It is important to aware of the difference of these words when reporting and recording information about individuals because I have the responsabiliy to provide seamless services for individuals, and this thing can be done only if the  information is correct, precise.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Educational Orientation for African Americans Essay

â€Å"Reality depends on one’s perception of the world. Thus, although there is one school, each student perceives his or her experiences in that school differently. Reality exists in that individual perception† (Marcus, Gross, & Seefeldt, 1991, p. 364). Ensuring social justice and opportunities of achievement for all students, especially historically underrepresented groups, has been my mission in life for many years. Concerned with issues like equal opportunity and treatment for all students, regardless of students’ social class, ethnicity, or family structure, I have always attempted to be cognizant of students’ perspectives. As a counselor in a school that is predominantly white with a few African American students I would like to research intervention strategies that would make those African American students in my school be more successful. There are many factors associated with school failure, especially in African American males. The purpose of this research is to identify those factors and develop interventions strategies to apply to combat the school failure of those students. Examining their culture and of the causes of this phenomena and understanding how they experience school was critical in identifying the issues and influences on their educations. Students’ failures to learn and succeed do not occur out of thin air. More specifically, African American boys’ failures to achieve do not occur out of thin air. A review of literature on Black male achievement shows that not only do they lag behind their White counterparts in America, but also in Britain and Canada (Graham & Robinson, 2004; Smith, Schneider, & Ruck, 2005). Attention must be given to examining policies, practices, attitudes, and experiences that create such failure in schools (Christle, Jolivette, & Nelson, 2005; Kagan, 1990; Nieto, 1999). Educators have many responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is to examine the reasons for the failure of students. Marian Wright Edelman (1992) sums up the purpose of education and echoes my belief of the responsibility of educators: â€Å"Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it† (pp. 9-10). The decision to study African American males in middle school arises from personal interest in equity and social justice issues. Tied to that is my experience in middle schools where I have been witness to struggling students, particularly African American males from low socioeconomic neighborhoods, who have demonstrated a lack of success in school. One cannot help but wonder why being Black and male puts students at risk for school failure (Davis, 2003; Noguera, 2003). For these reasons, my research is focused on a group of African American who are not successful in school; those who are struggling academically, demonstrating inappropriate behavior at school, and not putting forth effort to meet their academic potential. The research will seek to identify the influences, or the lack thereof, impacting these students’ success. When factoring in other issues that potentially result from a lack of educational attainment, such as involvement in illegal activity and incarceration of African American students, it is easy to see that we cannot afford to gamble on whether or not these students will make it on their own. Alarming statistics create a sense of urgency and responsibility for educators in reaching African American students in particular. Predictions based on steady incarceration rates reveal that 32% of African American males will likely serve time in state or federal prisons during the course of their lifetimes (U. S. Department of Justice, 2002). We are living in a country where twice as many African Americans live below the poverty line than Caucasians and where 40% of jail inmates are African American (U. S. Department of Commerce, 2002; U. S. Department of Justice, 2002). African Americans have held the lead in the percentage of people unemployed for three years consecutively (U. S. Department of Labor, 2003). Such statistics, when coupled with economic consequences of failing to adequately educate all students, paint a bleak picture for a large segment of our population. Gibbs (1988) goes so far as to say that African American males are an â€Å"endangered species. † She uses a dictionary definition to define this term as â€Å"a class of individuals having common attributes and designated by a common name [which is] in danger or peril of probable harm or loss† (p. 1). It is critical that struggling African American students are identified early to help avoid the dismal scenarios. The implications of failing to identify and assist struggling students at the earliest point possible not only have an immediate effect on students but also carry long-term consequences for students, communities, and the nation (Gibbs, 1988; Lee, 2002; President’s Committee, 1997). The educational and societal implications of not reaching this group of students are worthy of great concern. The lack of both academic progress and motivation to learn are symptoms of a larger problem. Without getting to the root causes for the underachievement of African American males, another year goes by and they fall further behind their academically excelling peers, lowering their chances of passing their grades or scoring at proficiency on the required yearly standardized tests. On a larger scale, this â€Å"silent catastrophe,† as a member of the London Parliament refers to the underachievement of Black male students, lays the foundation for impediments to quality of life, earned income, and other obstacles in these individuals’ lives, as well as implications for the greater society (Graham & Robinson, 2004, p. 654). behaviors children exhibit and failing to see the real problems. Conversations may take place between the teacher and the student or the student and an administrator on a superficial level inquiring as to why they are misbehaving or failing, but the deliberate search for the root causes is often set aside to deal with the immediate problem of behavior or unwillingness to learn. Students who are not succeeding academically often become â€Å"casualties of the educational systems that cannot see them because their problems remain invisible† (Nieto, 2004, p. 17). Classroom interventions, parent contacts, disciplinary consequences, counseling, and tutoring are a few of the strategies educators have implemented to improve student learning and chances of success. However, with some students it does not appear that we have scratched the surface of the underlying issues. Without getting to the root causes for the underachievement of African American males, another year goes by and they fall further behind their academically excelling peers, lowering their chances of passing their grades or scoring at proficiency on the required yearly standardized tests. On a larger scale, this â€Å"silent catastrophe,† as a member of the London Parliament refers to the underachievement of Black male students, lays the foundation for impediments to quality of life, earned income, and other obstacles in these individuals’ lives, as well as implications for the greater society (Graham & Robinson, 2004, p. 654). Irvine and Irvine (1994) suggested there are two perspectives that sum up the critical factor analysis on African American students’ failure in school. The first they call the achievement problematic, which suggests that Black students’ school failure is related to their cultural beliefs, perceptions and values about education. The second, cultural problematic, suggests that indifference to African American student culture is responsible for African American student school failure. The cultural vs. structural argument with regard to minority education is a common theme within sociology of education research. Empirical studies often highlight one or the other as contributing the under-achievement of African American. An examination of the various cultural and structural theories will put this debate into context.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


The Richman Investments employee is responsible to ensure the affiliated member does not violate any Richman Investments policies, does not perform illegal activities, and does not use the access for outside business interests. The Richman Investments employee bears responsibility for the consequences should the access be misused. 3. Below are the following policies for details of protecting information when accessing the corporate network when referencing the remote access methods, and acceptable use of Richman Investments network: a. Wireless Communications Policy b. Acceptable Use Policy c. Acceptable Encryption Policy d. Virtual Private Network (VPN) Policy 4. Additional information regarding Richman Investment’s remote access connection options, To include how to order or disconnect service, cost comparisons, troubleshooting, etc. , you will have to logon to Remote Access Services website. Framework Requirements 1. Secure remote access standard will be strictly controlled. Control will be enforced by a one-time password authentication and minimum 7 character length, special character and 1 numerical character with 1 month expiration. . No Richman Investments employee will ever provide their login or email password to Anyone in or out of Richman Investments without prior written consent. 3. Richman Investments employees and affiliates with remote access privileges must ensure that their Richman Investments-owned or personal computer or workstation, which is remotely connected to Richman Investments corporate network is not dual-connected to any other network at the same time. 4. Richman Investments employees and affiliates with remote access privileges to Richman Investments corporate network must not use non-Richman Investments email accounts or other external resources to conduct Richman Investments business. 5. Routers for dedicated lines configured for access to the Richman Investments network must meet minimum authentication requirements as designated by IT Staff. 6. Reconfiguration of a home users equipment for the purpose of split-tunneling or dual homing is not permitted at any time. 7. Frame Relay must meet minimum authentication requirements of company standards. 8. Non-standard hardware configurations must be approved by Remote Access Services, and InfoSec must approve security configurations for access to hardware. 9. All hosts that are connected to Richman Investments internal networks remote access technologies must use the most up to date anti-virus software, this will include personal computers. Third party connections must comply with requirements set forth by company. 10. Personal equipment that is used to connect to Richman Investments networks must meet the requirements of company-owned equipment for remote access and obtain written approval by company.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Filling an ELP form Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Filling an ELP form - Assignment Example Towards this end, I have worked in a leading telecommunications company and have gained experience during my time there. I have a passion for computers and like to learn new skills related to the field. I hope to do well in my coursework and exams so as to enable me to complete the course. I have observed that there are lots of companies that pay good salaries to the computer engineers and my desire is to land a job that pays me anywhere between 1700 and 2000 pounds. During my internship or summer placement with the company, I learnt a lot about real world experience related to the computer industry and found what it takes to be a good computer engineer. Because of this experience, I have knowledge of what it takes to specialise in different courses related to computer engineering. The name of the post and recruiting organisation and source of job advert should be identified. If applying for industrial placement, summer project placement or professional practice identify an opportuntity. Or, if writing about self-employment, the business idea should be identified. From the following seven competency-based questions, select three that are most relevant to your career aspiration. The seven competencies can be related to all graduate roles including self-employment. You have identified a career aspiration and there is some evidence of description/opportunities connected with it. However, I would like to see more content, written much more clearly eg a description of the role, as you are well below the word count for the task. Overall, the grammar not up to the standard required. You may find it helpful to get a friend with a good command of English to read it through for you. Your examples seem as if they have potential to show that you understand the competencies. However, there is insufficient description for me to make this judgement as yet. You need to be more descriptive

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Contemporary Latin America Politics Research Proposal

Contemporary Latin America Politics - Research Proposal Example While Venezuela is not presently engaged in any attritional conflict with its neighbors, its relationship with the United States has declined steadily over the recent past. The escalating tension between the United States and Venezuela is attributable to both ideological and material reasons. On the side of ideology, Venezuela is presently led by Hugo Chavez, a highly popular Socialist Party member. His party and its policies derive from Marxist doctrines, which are anathema to the capitalist economic organization seen here in the United States. Moreover, Mr. Chavez is not hesitant to openly condemn American leadership and its alleged hegemonic impulses. A diplomatic flashpoint occurred during the United Nations General Assembly of 2006 when Hugo Chavez cited American leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky’s book ‘Hegemony or Survival’ to support his criticism of high handed foreign policy measures of the United States government. The speech is unprecedented in terms of its audacity and confrontational tone, which almost no diplomatic goodwill was left between the two nations ever since (Tinker-Salas, p.52). Adding to the Venezuelan problem is the open and tacit support that it receives from Latin and Central American nations. For example, Venezuela’s attempt to garner a UN Security Council seat was supported by several countries with influence in the General Assembly, including China, Russia, Malaysia and India. American trading partners in the region such as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile are also likely to back Venezuela. If Venezuela’s bid should succeed in the future, then it will give a new thrust to the Non-Aligned Movement, by shifting its headquarters out of New York and into a city in the hemispheric South such as Brasilia, Havana or Caracas (Tinker-Salas, p.53). If this does become a reality in the near future, it will be a huge

Child Sexual Abuse Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Child Sexual Abuse - Case Study Example based, before hey can be used in clinical practice. This was acknowledged by John Forfar, the then president of the British Pediatric Association, who wrote on e of the Pediatricians involved, Dr.Mariett Higgs, in July 1987 and gave an admonishment in regards to use of the anal dilation test. He stated;"The regulation of medical practice is achievedbest when it is accomplishedwithinthe medical profession. New stances based on a new awareness of clinical signs, ornew significances being attached to them, require first to be established within theprofession. This takes some time and requires persuasion and scientific evidence ofvalidity, based on the accepted method or communication to professional journals orscientific meetings"(Forfar) In the early months of the crisis, the allegations involved work class families, who were confused bewildered, and angry of being accusedof sexually abusing their children, but they were powerless againstmiddle class professionals with the authority, power, and legal sanctions to support their actions. Charles Prugnell in his piece "An abuse and misuseof professional power describes the pressure placed on the working class by the middle class thusly:"From a sociological perspective, therefore, the events in Cleveland could be seen as apunitive form of middle class oppressionof working class families by middle classprofessionalsand an imposition of middle class values on the workingclass' (Prugnell) One of the key issues in the Cleveland sex abuse scandal was the power of...In the early months of the crisis, the allegations involved work class families, who were confused bewildered, and angry of being accused of sexually abusing their children, but they were powerless against middle class professionals with the authority, power, and legal sanctions to support their actions. Charles Prugnell in his piece â€Å"An abuse and misuse of professional power describes the pressure placed on the working class by the middle class thusly: â€Å"From a sociological perspective, therefore, the events in Cleveland could be seen as a punitive form of middle class oppression of working class families by middle class professionals and an imposition of middle class values on the working class’ (Prugnell) One of the key issues in the Cleveland sex abuse scandal was the power of professional groups in UK society and how these powers can be misused and abused in the absence of accountability in law for professional practice. Social workers are not personably liable in law for their actions in child protection matters, as they can be in mental health work and it could be argued that this is a necessary development. There is a belief in some quarters that the events in Cleveland in 1987 led to the Children Act 1989, but this is incorrect. The need for child care reform legislation, both public and private law relating to children, had been identified several years earlier by the House of Commons Social Services Select Committee of 1984 (Children in Care), which described the then situation as complex, confusing, and unsatisfactory.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Deborah Tannens But What Do You Mean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Deborah Tannens But What Do You Mean - Essay Example I agree with Tannen’s stance on criticism. Women’s softened criticism originates in their delicate nature. Tannen rightly attributes it to their emphasis upon feelings rather than ego. Women talk to others the way they would like themselves to be talked to. On the other hand, men are straight-forward. Being rough and tough, they expect others to be rough and tough as well. They don’t realize when they are being too tough to the women because they are not women themselves. It’s just that they have never been able to feel how a woman feels when she is being talked to in a straight-forward and critical manner. I also agree to Tannen as she analyzes women’s feelings when they don’t get the same level of formality or politeness that they treat men with. I agree that quite often, women keep thanking others for â€Å"nothing†. Although a man might be trying to be gentle while responding to a woman manager’s thankyou with welcome, yet a woman may not understand that he was trying to play his part on the scale of politeness because his performance was just not up to the mark! I agree that men are stronger at arguing than women because this is what they do all the time. Although women also keep arguing among their community in their little capacity, yet their capacity does not measure equal to that of men. One reason for this may be that men fight over more crucial matters than women and are more often held accountable for their acts than women, though I disagree that women are not taken seriously if they don’t argue enough. I agree that women are more generous and eager in giving feedback while men are more reluctant and critical. What women take very seriously is an ordinary thing to men. Again, it’s the delicacy of women’s nature and the roughness of men’s that is playing a role here! The fact that men tend to bring solution to women for the problems they raise with the intention of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Different essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Different essays - Essay Example stently met; and providing subtle but regular enhancement in the quality of an item or service, so that there are lesser and lesser flaws on delivery. The particulars of how each of these terms is interpreted are specific to the industry or business in question. Risk management, on the other hand, is the process of identifying, assessing and peritonising the risks to efficient functioning within a system. The essence of risk management is improvement in the value of the end result by being flexible yet systematic; transparent and inclusive of all factors and circumstances; integral to the analytical process, but able to provide solutions specific enough to the given problem. Possible the most important factor is that it should be able to evolve continuously to meet changing needs. While both processes – Quality management and Risk management are essential for ensuring smooth operations, and thus have a number of overlaps in their core principles; they ad differ on one significant account. Quality Management focuses on the end result and the extent to which error may be avoided in the deliverables; while risk management focuses on the extent to which already occurred errors may be rectified and repeat ion be avoided. Cianfrani, C.A., West, J. E. (2009).  Cracking the Case of ISO 9001:2008 for Service: A Simple Guide to Implementing Quality Management to Service Organizations (2nd Ed.). Milwaukee: American Society for Quality. pp.  5-7 Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is embedded in patient safety-the ability to learn from mistakes and take actions to prevent the mistakes from re-occurring. Identify and explain how principles of CQI reduce the risk of harmful medical injuries. Tindill and Stewart (1993) have defined CQI as â€Å"A comprehensive management philosophy that focuses on continuous improvement by applying scientific methods to gain knowledge and control over variation in work processes†. Baker (1997) gives the steps to using CQI. The first step

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Econometrics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Econometrics - Coursework Example The null hypothesis that students whose language is not English are not more eager readers of fiction than those who speak English at home is therefore proved false, against the alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis that the students whose language is not English are more eager readers of fiction than those who speak English at home, is proved to be true. Minimizing the residual value of the sum of square will maximize the value of R2 so that the optimization problem does not provide a coefficient that is less than or greater than zero. The values of R2 increase in the sequence shown below: If there was only one variable for the regression model, it would be logical to use the variable with the greatest coefficient to maximize the power of the model. In this case, for all the models, we use noeng as the variable for maximizing the powers of the models. This is because noeng has the greatest coefficient in all the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Insanity Defense Essay Example for Free

The Insanity Defense Essay The Insanity Defense is perhaps one of the most controversial issues in the legal world. It has become a favorite topic of critics for so long since issues regarding insanity defenses hold to be very sensitive. This paper will specifically discuss how the insanity defense works, what its effects are and how and why it has become controversial to many people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before we delve deeper into the topic, let us first clearly define what an insanity defense is. Insanity defense typically â€Å"refers to a plea that defendants are not guilty because they lacked the mental capacity to realize that they committed a wrong or appreciate why it was wrong† (Martin, 1998). Today, most states define insanity as a â€Å"mental impairment that impedes a person’s ability to understand the wrongfulness of his or her act (the cognitive prong). A number of states also permit a defense when the disability impairs the person’s ability to control the act (the volitional prong)† (Slobagin, 1998).   However one defines the insanity defense, it has always remained controversial because it allows those who committed a heinous crime get away from criminal punishments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The defense of insanity is â€Å"based on the premise that those who are unable to control their actions or appreciate the criminality of their actions due to mental defect or illness should not be punished under criminal law† (Dreisbach, 2006). The insanity defense is a legal test of criminal responsibility and it does not follow that it conforms to the medical definition of mental illness. Though controversies have been thrown regarding the insanity defense, it is rarely used and rarely successful as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the insanity defense is not intended to be a medical definition of a mental incapacity, loads of controversies and criticisms have arisen over the legal criteria that courts should apply in determining whether a person should be acquitted on the basis of insanity. In terms of legalities, it is believed that courts have a lot to work on to assure the credibility of an insanity defense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But how did the insanity defense started? The guidelines for evaluating the criminal responsibility for defendants claiming to be insane were codified in the British courts in the case of Daniel M’Naughten in 1843. A 1995 Frontline Article goes back to how the M’Naughten rule started: â€Å"M’Naughten was a Scottish woodcutter who murdered the secretary to the prime minister, Sir Robert Peel, in a botched attempt to assassinate the prime minister himself. M’Naughten apparently believed that the prime minister was the architect of the myriad of personal and financial misfortunes that had befallen him. During his trial, nine witnesses testified to the fact that he was insane, and the jury acquitted him, finding him ‘not guilty by reason of insanity’†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The queen was never pleased with the outcome, thus she asked the House of Lords to review the verdict with a panel of judges. The judges eventually reversed the verdict of the jury, and the formulation that emerged from their review states that: â€Å"a defendant should not be held responsible for his actions if he could not tell that his actions were wrong at the time he committed them†. This became the basis of the law governing legal responsibility in cases of insanity in England. The American courts and legislatures embraced this rule for more than a hundred years with almost no modification, until the 20th century when much criticism was already thrown at the courts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the 1950’s, a growing dissatisfaction of the M’Naughten test emerged. It was not just criticized in the legal circle but in the psychiatric circle as well. According to one 1995 Frontline article issue, one of the major criticisms of the M’Naughten rule is that â€Å"in its focus on the cognitive ability to know right from wrong, it fails to take into consideration the issue of control†. Psychiatrists agreed that it is indeed possible to understand that one’s behavior is wrong, but still be unable to stop oneself. To address this, the M’Naughter test was modified by some states with an ‘irresistible impulse’ provision, which â€Å"absolves a defendant who can distinguish right and wrong but is nonetheless unable to stop himself from committing an act he knows to be wrong†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Supreme Court has taken extra precautions in the proceedings in this area, with its few relevant decisions only indirectly addressing the proper formulation of the test for insanity. â€Å"Further evidence that the Court may not find the insanity defense to be an essential aspect of criminal liability comes from its treatment of the burden of proof relating to the defense† (Slobogin, 1998). The state may require the defendant to prove insanity beyond a reasonable doubt. According to Slobogin, â€Å"the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt every fact necessary to constitute proof of the crime with which the defendant is charged.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In as far as law is concerned, does insanity defense really have a legitimate role? Hooper and McLearen (2002) state that: â€Å"Outside of assisting in sentencing, there are two places for mental disease in the legal system. The first is a defendant’s ability to understand the trial process. People who do not understand the nature of the charges or the functioning of the legal system are considered unfit for trial. More germane to this article, if mental illness had a direct effect on a given criminal act, an individual can be found legally insane.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of insanity has change over time but the basic notion of this is that there are individuals by virtue of mental conditions have no understanding or control with their unlawful behaviors. However, the presence of a mental illness will not necessarily predict a successful insanity finding.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Later on, the American Law Institute (ALI) promulgated a Model Penal Code that included a two-pronged provision for insanity. The ALI states that â€Å"an individual is not responsible for criminal conduct if, at the time of such conduct as a result of a mental disease of defect he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality (wrongfulness) of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law† (Hooper and McLearen, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The American Law Institute was a significant softening of the M’Naughten standard. Frontline explains that â€Å"instead of requiring a defendant to have no understanding whatsoever of the nature of his acts or the difference between right and wrong, the ALI standard requires merely the person lacks a ‘substantial capacity’ to understand the right from wrong†. The ALI generally expands the M’Naughten rule to include an ‘irresistible impulse’ component. The ALI standard also excludes defendants whose mental illness, defect or incapacity only manifest itself in criminal or antisocial conduct, thus addressing the conundrum of the serial killer whose only symptom of a mental illness is the killing of his victims.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A popular example of a case in insanity defense is when John Hinckley Jr. shot the then US President Ronald Reagan and other Presidential officers in 1981. Hinckley claimed that he was trying to impress the actress Jodie Foster, with whom he felt he was infatuated. He later described the incident in a letter to The New York Times as â€Å"the greatest love offering in the history of the world†¦ At one time Miss Foster was a star and I was the insignificant fan. Now everything is changed. I am Napoleon and she is Josephine. I am Romeo and she is Juliet.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A jury acquitted Hinckley of 13 assault, murder and weapon counts, finding him not guilty by reason of insanity. This triggered a public outcry against what many perceived to be a loophole in the justice system that allowed an obviously guilty man to escape punishment. Because of the acquittal, widespread calls for the abolishment, or at least the substantial revision of the insanity-plea laws ensued.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Due to the incessant public outrage, the members of the Congress then responded to this by introducing 26 separate pieces of legislation designed to abolish or modify the insanity defense. All the new proposals were aimed at creating a stricter federal standard that would avoid acquittals like that of Hinckley. The Hinckley verdict introduced ways to make it more difficult to sustain an insanity plea.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The insanity defense has always been a complex topic and a lot of academic and scholarly works have been devoted entirely to explain its nuances. Learnmore lays down some major points of interest: Despite popular perceptions to the contrary, defendants rarely enter pleas of â€Å"not guilty by reason of insanity†. On the few occasions that the defendant does raise it, judges and jurors rarely support it. Neither the legal system nor psychiatrists can agree on a single meaning of insanity in the criminal law context. Various definitions have been employed, making the insanity defense more controversial to people. Defendants found not guilty by reason of insanity are not automatically set free. They are usually confined to a mental institution, and not released until their sanity is established. These defendants can spend more time in a mental institution than they would have spent in prison had they been convicted. An insanity defense normally rests on the testimony of a psychiatrist, who testifies for the defendant after examining him and his past history, and the facts of the case. Courts appoint psychiatrists at government expense to assist poor defendants who cannot afford to hire their own psychiatrists. There is no wonder that the insanity defense has held a lot of controversies. With its very perplex nature, there are always rooms for loopholes. For instance, how can one actually measure the authenticity of the â€Å"guilty by reason of insanity† plea? If one pleads that he is insane at the time of trial, how can one be sure that his testimonies are plausible enough to free him from guilt or give a lighter verdict? Could an insanity defense be the perfect step to take to get away from a serious crime that has been committed? Why cannot we have a unified definition of insanity? Why do requirements vary in a number of states? These and a lot more questions with regard to insanity defense are still left unanswered. Currently, the requirements for insanity vary by state. The typical standards require that â€Å"a person be unable to differentiate between right and wrong at the time of the crime. The inability to appreciate the wrongfulness of conduct must be the direct result of a mental disease or defect† (Hooper and McLearen, 2002). This requirement actually leaves me to ponder on a certain things. If the person is legally insane at the time of the crime, how can the legal system be assured of a legally insane person’s testimonies if the person has a mental disease or defect? Can the legal system assure the people that the insanity defense was not widely misused? Due to the controversies being linked to insanity defense, there have been wide attempts to eliminate the loopholes of the system and thereby force mentally ill individuals into prison. â€Å"Some state decisions have noted that criminal intent is an absolute necessary part of any crime† (Hooper and McLearen, 2002). So it is just right that the laws should be more focused on the guilty mind. Under these laws, a person must, as a result of a mental illness, lack the ability to willingly or knowingly commit and act. This looks more at criminal intent rather than psychiatric diagnoses, therefore claiming an end to criminals getting off free. There have been states who have omitted the insanity defense entirely, instead allowing mental state to be raised only as a mitigating factor. But insanity defenses are not always successful. Only a handful of insanity defense cases have won acquittal. Though the percentage of winning an insanity defense is low, it is still likely to hold controversies. Critics have argued that â€Å"some defendants misuse it, effectively faking insanity to acquittals or less severe convictions† (Martin, 1998). Oftentimes, trials involving insanity defense get the most attention because the crimes involved in such cases are extremely bizarre. The standard for insanity defense gets periodic reviews especially after a verdict that the public finds shocking. Laws have been passed to have stricter standards for insanity defenses. â€Å"Instead of requiring prosecutors to prove a defendant’s sanity, defense attorneys now carry the burden of persuading a judge or a jury of the client’s insanity† (Martin, 1998). Martin further explains that some states have also adopted a tougher and stricter release system. Such changes in Connecticut doubled the average term acquitted defendants spend committed in institutions. This system unsurprisingly caused the number of insanity pleas to drop. With stricter standards and stricter release systems, insanity pleas have seriously dropped. Can this be considered a coincidence or a mere manifestation that previous insanity pleas were actually just faked? If because of stricter standards and tougher release systems a number of insanity pleas dropped, cannot all states impose similar standards and systems? If this will answer the endless controversies that are being associated with insanity defenses, then probably it is already high time that states take a look at their insanity defenses standards and make abrupt revisions. A person who has made criminal acts should not just easily escape by means of an insanity defense. The person just leaves room for the people to doubt the system and make outrageous cries to give enough justice to the victim of the so-called â€Å"insane† person. The insanity defense for me is just an available excuse for an accused person to be absolved from his or her criminal responsibility for his or her conduct. The rules for insanity defense had been made flexible depending on the weight of the situation and the reaction f the public. For an insanity defense to be made an excuse in having been committed a serious crime is a total ridicule for me. For if one lacks the capacity to know what is right from wrong, then how can a person actually know if he is actually insane? How can he be so sure that he was insane at the time that the crime was committed? Had there been any development in insanity defense law? The introduction of the â€Å"guilty but mentally ill† verdict in many states is considered the biggest development in the insanity defense law. Frontline explains that a defendant who receives a â€Å"guilty but mentally ill† verdict is still considered legally guilty of the crime in question, but since the defendant is mentally ill, the defendant is entitled to receive mental health treatment while institutionalized. If symptoms remit, however, the defendant is required to serve out the remainder of his sentence in a regular correctional facility, unlike a defendant who was acquitted by reason of insanity, who must be released if it is determined he is no longer dangerous to himself or others. In cases of an insanity defense, it is just right and proper that both the rights of the victim and the defendant who pleads to be insane must be protected. However one puts it, a crime has still been done regardless of one’s mental state. If indeed proven that the defendant is mentally defective or ill at the time of the crime, then proper steps must be taken into account. The verdict may be less severe that what a sane person might get, but proper medications for the defendant must be seriously followed before he gets more destructive to others and to himself. At this point, I am asking myself, why are there insanity pleas? Perhaps, it is the real situation. Perhaps the defendant is really not in a normal mental state at the time the crime happened. But how could the defendant actually defend himself given his mental incapacity to know what is right or wrong? And perhaps, just maybe, if there are no other good defenses to get a person out of a seriously committed crime, then insanity pleads might just be the solution. Perhaps it is making some sense. Insanity pleads have lowered down in number after stricter standards and systems. With both parties that should be considered for this law, emotions and judgmental instincts of people should not really get in the way. This is one serious problem that needs to be addressed and a procedural and logical system must take place to protect the rights of all parties involved. Progresses have been done and I certainly hope that there will come a time that the insanity defense would no longer hold controversies because justice has been served – both for the victim and the defendant. REFERENCES Dreisbach, Daniel L. Criminal Law. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Microsoft Corporation, 2005. Insanity as a criminal defense. Retrieved December 9, 2007, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Defense.html?newsid=38 A crime of insanity. Retrieved December 9, 2007, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pages/frontline/shows/crime/trial/history.html#mn Slobogin, C. (1998). Insanity defense. Thomson Gale. Retrieved December 9, 2007, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Hooper, J., and McLearen, A. (2002, April). Does the insanity defense have a legitimate   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   role? [electronic version]. The Psychiatric times, 19 (4). Retrieved December 9, 2007,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from Martin, J. (1998, February 2007). The insanity defense: a closer look [electronic version].   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Washingto Post. Retrieved December 9, 2007 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   wp-srv/local/longerm/aron/qa227.htm

Friday, September 20, 2019

Factors That Affect The Achievement Of The Operational Excellence Business Essay

Factors That Affect The Achievement Of The Operational Excellence Business Essay One of the most competitive industries in the world is the pharmaceutical industry. For a long time, the operation of the pharmaceutical companies has been subject to scrutiny, especially by the government of each country of operation. The underlying reasons for the strict attention include: the cost of medicines and drugs available for purchase, the reduced life cycle of product development, the technological advancements which impact operations and the nature of the health care systems. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry, like other businesses, is affected by factors such as the issues of human resources development and sensitivity to culture and diversity. In fact, they all have influenced the birth of the new and improved meaning of operational excellence. The increasing demands for an improved productivity and manufacturing costs have been the growing concern of pharmaceutical companies today. The need to meet the fast changing needs of the market for a much higher standard and quality drugs has also resulted to increased expectations not only from the consumers but from all stakeholders (suppliers, investors, employees and the government). However, the quest for a much potent product is a very significant issue. The common goal is to reduce the attrition rate in bringing new medicines in the market as well as in creating a fair and efficient standard in choosing the best pharmaceutical company to award the patent. As more and more consumers are becoming concern of the drug s its short-term efficacy and its long-term side effects, marketing for the drug has also become more innovative and active. In this view, the operational processes and engineering for pharmaceutical product has come to a new level. Introduction The old adage Health is Wealth is generally true nothing can be more valuable than being healthy and alive. The objective of the government of every country around the world to provide its public with health care services has been notable but still incomplete and unsuccessful. Not only the poor and underdeveloped countries are the ones having problems with high medical costs and insurances but even the developed or economically strong countries. There are many factors that contribute to the inability of the government to properly provide for its people in terms of health care, for one, the health service is truly an expensive part of man s need to live and the costs of services are high because medical equipments are expensive not mentioning the maintenance cost of every hospital. Hence, the need to secure the health benefits of the people has become the motivating factor for the government to present in an agenda, its health objectives for the American Nation. Statement of the Problem The pharmaceutical business is one of the most important industries in the world. The benefits people gain from the results of research and development conducted by the pharmaceutical firms, which include discoveries of the cures for many diseases, and the lessening time required to treat the patient that lead to saving of lives, cannot be equated with money. Even the wealthiest person on earth gets sick and requires medicine. Sick people and their families are happy whenever they learn that there is a cure for their diseases and that their lives are lengthened by the healing power of medicine. However, with the high cost of production, stiff competition, and the ever-changing government legislations, pharmaceutical companies are facing major challenges. While the time to bring the pharmaceutical product in the market quickens, the risk involved in the cost recovery and industry survival increases for many pharmaceutical companies. In this view that the selected problem is titled: Ac hieving Operational Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The selected research problem evaluates the operational and engineering processes used by the pharmaceutical companies. Achieving operational excellence requires that pharmaceutical companies understand the factors which may affect their operations, such as the changing human resources relative to cultural diversity and manpower outsourcing, the impact of the environmental factors, which may include changing government legislations, market trends and future opportunities and threats and the future trends, operational systems, collaborative efforts (merging, tie-ups, etc.) that will all make a difference in the midst of heavy competition and highly selective customers. The selected statement of the problem hopes to reveal the possible solutions to the challenges and in the end provide a wider perspective based on the data presented, evaluated and analyzed. Purpose of the Study The goal of this research is to find out the relevant factors that affect the achievement of the operational excellence of the firms in the pharmaceutical industry. It also hopes to learn and understand what makes a successful pharmaceutical company and how operational excellence can be achieved. Significance of the Study The findings of this research will serve as useful information on understanding the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. Readers will also have a full view of the pharmaceutical industry from its begging up to the current time. Researchers of the same issue will have a concrete basis of analyzing and evaluating for the same. Pharmaceutical companies will have a wider perspective of the industry where they exist, providing them with more information useful in the creation of marketing strategies and operational upgrades. The government will also benefit from this research because, it will present a different interpretation of the key factors affecting the pharmaceutical industry. Research Questions This paper looks into the following issues: (1) How should the current pharmaceutical industry be described in terms of: a. Operational processes and engineering; b. Pharmaceutical technology; c. New product development, Research and development; and Product life cycle; d. Production systems (total quality management, total productive maintenance, etc.); and e. Factors that characterize operational excellence (best practices)? (2) How are performances evaluated? a. The Porter s diamond concept in a pharmaceutical setting (3) What are the challenges of achieving operational efficiency in view of: a. Sensitivity to culture and diversity with respect to a unified corporate thinking; b. Globalization; and c. Human resources development? (4) What are the expected future trends? Background Pharmaceutical firms are categorized according to the nature of their business operations: they are the research-based firms; manufacturing-based firms and a combination of research-based and manufacturing-based firms. Characterized by its two distinct functions: research and development (RD), and manufacturing, the pharmaceutical industry was reported as a $600 billion worth of sales in the year 2006 (economywatch). Specifically, there was a 7 per cent increase on the sales of prescription medicines worldwide or a total of $602 billion based on the report of some major pharmaceutical and medical information firms. These pharmaceutical firms are either, primarily engaged in Research and Development (RD) alone, studying diseases and advancing drugs and medicinal potency while other firms focus on the drug manufacturing process. Large, financially-able and world renowned pharmaceutical companies engaged in both activities. The US is considered as having the number one pharmaceutical market and an increasing trend in the pharmaceutical industry all over the world. According to statistics the highest recorded annual sales of pharmaceutical products and services in the US alone is $252 billion and increases at around 5.7 per cent annually (economywatch). According to a pharmaceutical industry report, the leading countries in the world in terms of potential market are India, China and the United States. The report specifically stated that: The report proved that there is an increasing demand and market for the pharmaceutical industry because of the increasing health awareness of the people all over the world. Literature Review Market intelligence data from IMS Health, a research company providing on pharmaceutical and healthcare industries proved that: in 2002, the estimated worldwide sales for prescription drugs was about $400 billion; and that the United States expenditure on prescription drugs in 2002, was roughly 200 billion dollars which accounted for approximately half of all sales worldwide. But despite this high costs, the United States ranked as the 21st rate on infant mortality in the world, way below Greece and South Korea and only a bit higher in Poland. Also, the United States ranked at the 17th rate in terms of life expectancy all over the world. The research agency also reported that in 2008, the US prescription drugs sales had amounted to a whopping $291 billion dollars every year (sourcewatch). In this view, the challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry around the world are enormous (Sherk). One of the main reasons is the pressure of bringing down the prices of medicines and drugs that are considered contributive to the escalating costs of the health care services (Sherk). The cost of health care in the United States is generally double compared to other developed countries in Europe such as Britain, France and Germany. (yahoonews) Furthermore, the United States has reportedly spent 7, 290 dollars per person in the year 2007 but provided no meaningful advantage in terms of quality of care, and placed far behind the averages in the key indicators such as the infant mortality and life expectancy rate compared to the previously mentioned countries. The proposed healthcare reform in the United States, includes the evaluation of the drug costs and the possibility of creating legislations that will regulate the operations of pharmaceutical companies. Research Design The research design that will be used to evaluate and answer the selected problem titled: Achieving Operational Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry is qualitative research. The decision to use the qualitative research design was based on the following factors: limited time available, and also, the use of secondary data. In order to answer the general and specific questions, the researcher uses the descriptive research as a type of qualitative method of research. The researcher gathers secondary data from previous researches, statistical reports, surveys, demographic information, and online resources. The data gathered are listed, sorted and analyzed in order to answer the problems undertaken. Findings The following are the findings that were gathered using secondary information, specifically from previous researches, statistical reports, and other sources. (1) How should the current pharmaceutical industry be described in terms of: (a) Operational Processes and Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry Drug Approval and Registration Process As implemented by the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, the strict compliance of the law should be observed in all stages of the operational process and engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry, primarily, in the registration (FDA, 2010) The Food Drug Administration (FDA) s fundamental mission is protect the public health is the collection of this information, which is used for important activities such as post-market surveillance for serious adverse drug reactions, inspection of drug manufacturing and processing facilities, and monitoring of drug products imported into the United States. Comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date information is critical to conducting these activities with efficiency and effectiveness. (FDA, 2010) (b) Process Analytical technologies (PAT) One of the new systems that are being used in the pharmaceutical industry is known as the Process Analytical technologies (PAT). The term Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) has been used to describe a system for designing and controlling manufacturing through timely measurements (i.e. during processing) of critical quality and performance attributes for raw and in-process materials and also processes with the goal of ensuring final product quality. The PAT initiative focuses on building quality into the product and manufacturing processes, as well as continuous process improvement. ( c) Industry Operating Procedures The pharmaceutical industry, just like other industries uses the US standard of Accounting GAAP ( Pharmaceutical companies have to apply for the registration of their newly discovered drugs or medicines. Before a drug can be tested in people, the drug company or sponsor performs laboratory and animal tests to discover how the drug works and whether its likely to be safe and work well in humans. Next, a series of tests in people is begun to determine whether the drug is safe when used to treat a disease and whether it provides a real health benefit. The process must be based on the steps set by the Food and Drug administration of the country of operation. The development and Approval Process of Drugs in the United States is believed to be the safest and the most advanced pharmaceutical system in the world. Another unique operational process used by the pharmaceutical companies is in the area of marketing. Unlike, the traditional selling and buying area of many products, selli ng drugs is a very complicated issue. Before companies can sell drugs, they have to seek approval and license from the FDA. Marketing in the pharmaceutical industry is commonly through salesmen. (2) How are performances evaluated? Porter s Five Forces of Industry Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Industry The pharmaceutical industry has high barriers to entry, primarily because capital is huge in this business. The need to allocate heavily on research and development is highly important if one will enter this industry, not mentioning high threat from government policies, and longer or no return on investment. The supplier power has low impact because material supplies are solely for pharmaceutical companies alone, and shelf life of chemicals is longer than any ordinary supplies. Buyer power depends on the kind of medicine being produced, if the medicine has no other substitute, then buyer power is low, and vice versa. The threat of substitutes is also low in the pharmaceutical industry, because although generics have been gaining popularity and acceptance, still, many consumers believe branded medicines are more effective. In terms of competitive rivalry, the pharmaceutical industry is highly competitive. Mullins (2006) reported that the industry was overpopulated and not one company has more than 5 percent market share. In addition, market growth rate is also minimal. (3) What are the challenges of achieving operational efficiency in view of (a) Sensitivity to culture and diversity with respect to a unified corporate thinking; (b) Globalization and (c) Human resources development. The changing landscape of business due to the forces of the new and changing environment have become the major influences in the manner in which leading function in the organization is done today. Unlike the traditional leadership process, global leadership extends its functions to new horizons and length that increased values for businesses, hence an increased risks. Leaders are more flexible and multi-skilled today. Thus, new business horizons that offer new and improved opportunities are available for global leaders to take advantage of. With the right attitude and qualifications, success in the business is possible for global leaders. The secrets however, lie on the ability of the leader to understand these new concepts and challenges. Human Resource Management or HRM is an activity that is focused on recruiting, managing and developing the people in an organization. This function also deals with the issues regarding employee compensation, hiring, performance evaluation, safety, development, wellness, communication, training and development. The human resource management in the organization plays a big role in making strategic and coherent approach to managing the company s most important asset; its people. The HRM function is seen by most companies as a major contributing factor in aligning specific assignment to the employee s capabilities. In doing so, the company will be able to efficiently achieve its goals at a minimum required resources. Factors that affect staffing and staffing turnover are considered to be a big problem faced by human resource managers. Pinkerton (2001) made an effort to know the reasons that influence the staffing needs of hospitals. The answers vary depending on the hospital, the top thr ee include, teamwork or no teamwork/unit cohesiveness, chaos factors impacting the delivery of nursing care and effectiveness of communication. The factors affect staffing which can be categorized under external and internal. The external factors include the level of education, the prevailing attitudes in society (the kind of attitude toward work), the many laws and regulations that directly affect staffing, the economic conditions, and the supply of and demand for the manpower outside the enterprise. Organizational goals, tasks, technology, organization structure, the kinds of people employed by the enterprise, the demand for and the supply of managers within the enterprise, the reward system, and various kinds of policies are the internal factors which may affect staffing. For example, the use of high technology in most industries requires extensive and intensive education and training. The organization s ability to effect change is largely affected by the organizational culture because it serves as the basic nature and characteristics of the whole organization. Where organizational culture is deep seated and forms underlying subcultures, it is more difficult to change and therefore sets a more challenging role for leaders who want to implement change in the organization. The tendency to resist change is higher when organizational culture is more cohesive and more symbolical. Since the organization comprises of people that have different behaviors, talents, skills, knowledge, values, personality and many other differences, working together they come on terms to manage each other s differences. Culture is the behavior which formed when the people in the organization meet and agreed verbally and nonverbally and creates rule for doing the task. (Heathfield) Diversity The diversity in the organization was previously seen as a negative factor, but in today s environment where change is inevitable, it adds up to the company s flexibility in order to survive the competition in the market. In an organization where diversity is high, the leader must understand and know how to deal with it and use them effectively as a competitive advantage. Nowadays, many organizations employ diverse group of employees because they want to create a unique culture which adds up to the value of the organizational workforce. Common diversities in the organization include racial mixes, foreign workforces, women on the job, and disabled workers. (4) What are the expected future trends? Major transformations are occurring in the delivery of healthcare worldwide. Medical and healthcare technologies are increasingly impacting the clinical as well as the administrative dimensions of healthcare care delivery. Innovations introduced in the last decade have created accumulated effects that will be compounded with the continuing technical progress in medicine. Areas such as telemedicine, telehealth, computerized medical records, e-health and use of the Internet in B2B and B2C applications in healthcare are some of the milestones in the almost total revamping of the healthcare landscape. Medical and healthcare technologies are already transforming the operations, design and mission of hospitals. In this regard, the challenges for the future are an exciting opportunity for study, reflection, planning, and intervention. Technology assessment (TA) arose in the mid-1960s from an appreciation of the critical role of technology in modern society and its potential for unintended, and sometimes harmful, consequences. Congress commissioned independent studies by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and the Legislative Reference Service of the Library of Congress that significantly influenced the development and application of TA. These studies and further congressional hearings led the National Science Foundation to establish a TA program and, in 1972, Congress to authorize the congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), which was founded in 1973, became operational in 1974, and established its health program in 1975. Another factor that is considered as a threat not only to pharmaceutical industry but all industries is the globalization. Globalization has been creating impacts to various industries and individuals. The possibilities associated with it are countless. Hence, it also poses higher threats to many. Globalization has influenced major transformations on the organizational structures, and the processes of firms whether locally or internationally operated. Globalization also redefined the functions and roles of the intermediaries. Distribution of products has become entirely dependent on the intermediaries. Companies are trying to lessen interaction costs and because of this, have outsourced services from other countries to take advantage of the economies of scale. Industrial sectors have to undergo extensive structural changes which become more visible in the sectors that are based highly on the advanced technologies. Examples include the car industry, pharmaceutical industry and the tel ecommunications, among others. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on this research study, there are several lessons which could be learned from the evaluation of and analysis performed in the pharmaceutical industry. Primarily, the safety and security of our lives depend on the ability of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and, CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the AMA (American Medical Association) and APA (American Pharmacists Association), to screen and select the safest medicine, drugs and vaccines. The criteria set should always and consistently be tested, proven, and communicated to all industry players. Second, the operations of the pharmaceutical companies are generally affected by the changes in the industry. The relative amount of information available in understanding or describing a situation can significantly help in making valuable decision regarding the business operation. Third, the threat on the human resources because of globalization is considered a very critical issue even in the pharmaceutical industry. In the situation where there is limited available resources, need is high for an effective HR planning. Maximizing employee performances through devising appropriate training is also vital to the needs of the company. The approach will also help in maximizing the return on investment of the any organization s human capital and minimizing the financial risk is the main objective of human resources. Finally, it should therefore be concluded that the operational excellence in the pharmaceutical industry will only be achieved when companies learn to adapt the changes and developments brought about by the globalization.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Brain Pacemaker Essay -- Medical Science

Introduction The brain pacemaker is an interesting invention of the modern technology, it is a medical device that is fixed into the brain to send electroshock signals into the targeted tissues of the brain. This device is used to treat patients who suffer from Epilepsy, it controls their seizures, and helps Parkinson's disease patients better control their movements. Parkinson's disease affects the way you move. It happens when there is a problem with certain nerve cells in the brain. Plus, it treats major depression. What is it? It is a surgical treatment that involves the implantation of a medical device that is either placed in the brain or outside. It sends electrical impulses to specific parts of the brain. When it placed in the brain this treatment is called deep brain stimulation. And when it is placed out side the brain or near the spinal cord it is called spinal cord stimulation, there is another place where it can be placed outside which is around cranial nerves such as the vagus nerve and it is called vagus nerve stimulation. How it works? The doctor drills into the skull of the patient who remains awake during operation two holes, they are the size of a coin. Only that area is anesthetized to keep it numb during surgery. Surgeons then uses computed tomography (CT) scanning to locate the exact targeted area, and then implant two thin wires with electrode contacts near the Cg25 area of the brain. In the area where they believe is causing the patient's disorder. Generally, these targets are the thalamus, subthalamic nucleus, and globus pallidus. Then they stitch the loose end of the wires under the skin and attach it to the pacemaker device, which is fixed near the collarbone. In some cases it may be implante... ...rchers found that when Parkinson's patients received brain stimulation, they had trouble making hard decisions. ? Because the brain can shift slightly during surgery, there is the possibility that the electrodes can become displaced or dislodged this might cause some problems such as personality changes. ? There are other complications of surgery, such as bleeding within the brain. Conclusion The brain is the center of thought, emotion, memory, speech, and many more, and it is the most sophisticated organ in the human body. By it doctors were able to help patients who suffer from Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and sever depressions by inserting a device called brain pacemaker. It has already helped many patients to overcome their problems. But scientists are still experimenting in making this device more advanced to reduce the number of risks it may cause. The Brain Pacemaker Essay -- Medical Science Introduction The brain pacemaker is an interesting invention of the modern technology, it is a medical device that is fixed into the brain to send electroshock signals into the targeted tissues of the brain. This device is used to treat patients who suffer from Epilepsy, it controls their seizures, and helps Parkinson's disease patients better control their movements. Parkinson's disease affects the way you move. It happens when there is a problem with certain nerve cells in the brain. Plus, it treats major depression. What is it? It is a surgical treatment that involves the implantation of a medical device that is either placed in the brain or outside. It sends electrical impulses to specific parts of the brain. When it placed in the brain this treatment is called deep brain stimulation. And when it is placed out side the brain or near the spinal cord it is called spinal cord stimulation, there is another place where it can be placed outside which is around cranial nerves such as the vagus nerve and it is called vagus nerve stimulation. How it works? The doctor drills into the skull of the patient who remains awake during operation two holes, they are the size of a coin. Only that area is anesthetized to keep it numb during surgery. Surgeons then uses computed tomography (CT) scanning to locate the exact targeted area, and then implant two thin wires with electrode contacts near the Cg25 area of the brain. In the area where they believe is causing the patient's disorder. Generally, these targets are the thalamus, subthalamic nucleus, and globus pallidus. Then they stitch the loose end of the wires under the skin and attach it to the pacemaker device, which is fixed near the collarbone. In some cases it may be implante... ...rchers found that when Parkinson's patients received brain stimulation, they had trouble making hard decisions. ? Because the brain can shift slightly during surgery, there is the possibility that the electrodes can become displaced or dislodged this might cause some problems such as personality changes. ? There are other complications of surgery, such as bleeding within the brain. Conclusion The brain is the center of thought, emotion, memory, speech, and many more, and it is the most sophisticated organ in the human body. By it doctors were able to help patients who suffer from Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and sever depressions by inserting a device called brain pacemaker. It has already helped many patients to overcome their problems. But scientists are still experimenting in making this device more advanced to reduce the number of risks it may cause.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Fire and Heat Imagery in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay -- Jane Ey

Fire and Heat Imagery in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre The essence of any true magnificent piece of literature is not what one can see in words. It is what one can see behind the words. It is through the symbolism and imagery found in works of literature that a reader can truly connect with the writer. Charlotte Bronte epitomizes the spirit of the "unread but understood" in her Victorian work Jane Eyre. There have been numerous essays and theories presented examining the complex symbolism and imagery used by Bronte in Jane Eyre. Much of the imagery she uses concentrates on passion, fantasy, and the supernatural. In this essay I will examine Bronte’s use of fire and heat imagery pertaining to Mr. Rochester and Jane’s love relationship. To begin, fire imagery permeates Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre’s relationship from beginning to end. Since the passionate love that Rochester and Jane first held was sinful, it was accompanied by images of fire and burning. This can possibly be an image of hell. For example, when Rochester was trying to convince Jane to stay with him despite the fact that he was married, he described what he expected her reaction to be, "I was prepared for the hot rain of tears†¦but I err†¦your heart has been weeping blood." This image of hot rain and weeping blood lends itself to an image of punishment. Similarly, when Jane showed signs of fatigue, he carried her in his arms up to her room, holding her tightly. As a result of his "sinful" touching, Jane’s senses were dulled, "all was cloudy to my glazed sight." Yet when he placed her in front of the fireplace to warm up, she felt revived, "I felt the reviving warmth of a fire" Here the fire cleansed Jane of her stupor. It awoke her conscience to what Rochester ... ...ns, "it was a just judgment on him for keeping his first marriage secret, and wanting to take another wife while he had one living." Thus, Jane and Rochester reunited and each proved to be reborn, Jane after undergoing her own final period of personal and spiritual growth, and Rochester after facing his vices and rescinding his sinful nature. In conclusion, the concept of fire used by Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre cleanses, foreshadows, strengthens, and reawakens both Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester. Bronte tempered the passionate nature of her novel by continuously revealing that heated sinful emotions only lead to ruin. Both Jane and Rochester were subjected to emotional and spiritual purgatory for their immorality. They were allowed solace only after achieving spiritual rebirth. Work Cited Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1991

kamikaze :: essays research papers

During the era of the weak emperor Taisho (1912-26), the political power shifted from the oligarchic clique (genro) to the parliament and the democratic parties. In the First World War, Japan joined the Allied powers, but played only a minor role in fighting German colonial forces in East Asia. At the following Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Japan's proposal of amending a "racial equality clause" to the covenant of the League of Nations was rejected by the United States, Britain and Australia. Arrogance and racial discrimination towards the Japanese had plagued Japanese-Western relations since the forced opening of the country in the 1800s, and were again a major factor for the deterioration of relations in the decades preceeding World War 2. In 1924, for example, the US Congress passed the Exclusion Act that prohibited further immigration from Japan. After WW1, Japan's economical situation worsened. The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the world wide depression of 1929 intensified the crisis. During the 1930s, the military established almost complete control over the government. Many political enemies were assassinated, and communists persecuted. Indoctrination and censorship in education and media were further intensified. Navy and army officers soon occupied most of the important offices, including the one of the prime minister. Already earlier, Japan followed the example of Western nations and forced China into unequal economical and political treaties. Furthermore, Japan's influence over Manchuria had been steadily growing since the end of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05. When the Chinese Nationalists began to seriously challenge Japan's position in Manchuria in 1931, the Kwantung Army (Japanese armed forces in Manchuria) occupied Manchuria. In the following year, "Manchukuo" was declared an independent state, controlled by the Kwantung Army through a puppet government. In the same year, the Japanese air force bombarded Shanghai in order to protect Japanese residents from anti Japanese movements. In 1933, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations since she was heavily criticized for her actions in China. In July 1937, the second Sino-Japanese War broke out. A small incident was soon made into a full scale war by the Kwantung army which acted rather independently from a more moderate government. The Japanese forces succeeded in occupying almost the whole coast of China and committed severe war atrocities on the Chinese population, especially during the fall of the capital Nanking. However, the Chinese government never surrendered completely, and the war continued on a lower scale until 1945.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Club Med: Making a Comeback

Club Mediterranee (Club Med) is a corporation in the all-inclusive resort market that manages over 140 resort villages in Mediterranean, snow, inland and tropical locales in over 40 countries. It was founded by a group of travelers, headed by Gerald blitz, in 1950However over the years they realized that all-inclusive system does not work anymore. People are not willing to spend large amounts of money for vacations. Its competitors have been able to customize travel packages for each customer.Even though it seems easy for Club Med to do the same but because it has so many resorts all over the world the currency devaluation and political boycotts are causing Club Med problems with these decisions. These external factors are reducing the company’s ability to increase sales and gain new customers. The Club Med style can be best described by the sense of closeness found among the managers. Because they are all former village chiefs they know the company’s everyday operation s. The difference between Club med and other hotels is that, it is much simpler.Even the room decorations are simple and spares. Also its distinguished feature is that it is a place where one can â€Å"escape†. However in 2004 they introduced a new strategy that gave consumers a differentiated product that was more chic and luxurious, especially in the Americas. Until 1986 Club Med had a very strong position in the all-inclusive resort market. If one wanted to go to a resort but use another company it had to pay 50-100% more. Internet accounts more than 20% of its sales.Finding a labor was never a problem for this resort either. In 1986 competition began because other companies adopted its style. The only difference was that Club Med’s service included drinks. In 2004 it reverted to and all-inclusive deal. In 2005 it declared the Alps area that attracted thousands of tourists. Jack Tar Village is one of the competitors of Club Med. It operates mostly in Caribbean. Its resorts are positioned as more glamorous and modern. Another competitor is SuperClubs Organization, which operates 4 resorts on Jamaica.Those resorts have the reputation for being uninhibited and sexually oriented. The activities that Club Med and their competitors offer is similar but the way it is offered may be different. The original mission statement includes the idea that the company’s goal is to take a group of strangers away from their everyday lives and bring them together in a relaxing and fun atmosphere in different parts of the world. They create brand loyalty by asking the consumers to join the Club Med Club, they send them newsletters, discounts, thus making people feel special.Each resort is accommodated with all the necessary facilities like, sailing, volleyball, tennis and basketball fields and so on. There are no phones, TVs radios; this is done in order to separate individuals form civilization so that they could relax. Club Med organizes everything to enco urage social interaction between guests. Everything is included in the price except bar drink and items purchased in the small shops. There are different activities every day. After 1996 Club Med does not have as large of a sales increase as it had anticipated.It is due to economic and ecological disasters in countries where Club Med has resorts. It has a signed contract with the government of the country it enters stating that the firm will increase the tourism in the area. And the government instead will provide the financial aid to help maintain the new resort facilities. However the joint ventures have not proven to be profitable. After September 11, 2001 Club Med had to close down 15 of its villages. It only reopened 6 and opened 4 new ones.Tsunami in south East Asia devoured most of its coastline and Club Med properties in Malaysia, Phuket and so on. Happenings in one area where it is based often indirectly affect other resorts as well. Club Med fell on hard financial times th rough much of 1990s. In 1998 Philippe Bourguignon was brought in a new chairman to stem the decline. He instigated $500 million three year rescue program. Unprofitable villages were closed. Thanks to the new chairman Club Med is making a comeback. Attendance is rising and company made a modest profit last year.Even though they still have problem their revenue rises and it seems to be on track to success. In 2005 it reported a net revenue of $3 million Euros, compared to its $4 million loss year before. In 2202 a new chairman was appointed. Henri Giscard d’Estaing knows the brand recognition the company has and uses hat for the benefit. Club Med plans to enter China, U. S, France and so on. U. S. is Club Meds Number 1 target. It plans to open 3 new resorts around U. S it spends large amount of money on advertising, renewing facilities and adding new ones.